what cowardly punks 3 grown men beating down on a woman

in solidarity  jim

 From: i...@boldprogressives.org
To: pitai...@aol.com
Sent: 10/26/2010  2:36:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: sickening

VIDEO: Rand Paul's Tea  Party thugs attack progressive woman.
_Sign  our statement calling for Republican leaders to denounce Tea Party
Fight back more: _Donate  $4 to Rand Paul's opponent Jack Conway today_
(http://act.boldprogressives.org/go/2220?akid=2459.294465.1Q-XIb&t=3)  or _make
 calls for him tomorrow._
Did you see the headlines today?
"MoveOn Supporter Brutally Attacked by Rand Paul  Supporter" -- The
"Ugly Scene In Kentucky" -- Politico
"Paul Stops Short Of Condemning Attack On MoveOn  Protester" -- TPM
Outside a Senate debate last night, a progressive activist named  Lauren
was thrown to the ground by Tea Party thugs holding "Rand Paul"  signs. As one
held her down, another stomped her head -- producing an  audible crunching
Rand Paul's Senate campaign put out a statement condemning violence on
"both sides." What?? That's NOT ok -- we need accountability, not false
_WATCH  THE VIDEO and sign our statement calling on Republican politicians
like Rand  Paul to unequivocally denounce Tea Party violence. Click here._
(Want to fight back more? _Donate  $4 to Rand Paul's opponent Jack Conway
here_ (http://act.boldprogressives.org/go/2220?akid=2459.294465.1Q-XIb&t=6)
or _sign  up to make calls for Conway here._
(http://act.boldprogressives.org/go/2221?akid=2459.294465.1Q-XIb&t=7) )
Within minutes, over 5,000 people signed the _statement_
.  National and local
media are writing about this today, and we'll keep them  informed about the
growing sense of outrage. (On the _statement  page_
, you can also write a note to
Lauren, which we'll give to our friends  at MoveOn to deliver to her.)
After signing, please send this email to others -- especially any  swing
voters who may be considering voting for the Tea Party this  year.
Thanks for sticking up for progressives,
-- Stephanie Taylor, Adam Green, Keauna Gregory, Forrest Brown, Matt Wall,
and the PCCC team
Paid for by the Progressive Change  Campaign Committee PAC
(_www.BoldProgressives.org_ (http://www.boldprogressives.org/) ) and
not  authorized by any
candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the  PCCC are not
deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax  purposes.

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