Stalinist leanings aside, Parenti got to the heart of the issue of globalism:

Globalism is the elevation of the property
value above all democratic values, above all other social values. So any
kind of public service can be wiped out for interfering and creating lost
market opportunities for the private market. The private market is
above the law.

It's not just that NAFTA will cost us jobs or weaken our consumer
protections. It's that NAFTA is undermining democracy itself. It
our very right to question or to pass laws that can create public
Today, under the new globalization, Canada has to pay millions of dollars
UPS because they have a public postal service that is taking away
market opportunities from UPS. So here you have a country having to pay a
private corporation for the right to deliver its own mail to its own
Every single public service today is potentially targeted.

I wish that some of our good progressive economists would take themselves to school on this issue and understand that there is a qualitatively new development in globalism. Globalism does not just mean international capital investment and imperialism. It's the whole new subterfuge of so-called free trade, which is destroying substantive democracy rule itself.

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