
M-TH: Longer version of paper for women's liberation 

Date:          Tue, 07 Dec 1999 17:11:04 -0500
From:          "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:            <Leninist-international@buo319b.econ.utah.edu>,
               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       M-TH: Longer version of paper for women's liberation
Reply-to:      marxism-thaxis@buo319b.econ.utah.edu

                            For Women's Liberation: A  Comradely
                            Critique of the Manifesto and Historical

                                     (For Angela Y. Davis)     


 By Charles Brown

           To me _The Manifesto of the Communist Party_ remains
 persuasive of the historical epoch of which we are today still a 
part.  The argument of the Manifesto is convincing in            
However, The Manifesto shows  cowardice , and more bourgeois than 
communist finesse in dealing with marriage, the family, patriarchy 
and monogamy. Marx and Engels say the bourgeoisie accus          Marx 
and Engels dodge the dialectical requirement that they present an 
affirmative, not just negative aspect, to their critique of bourgeois 
society's form of the family. They defer to the            What is 
the Communist proposal for the next form of the family ?  Given  Marx 
and Engels'' dialectical, evolutionary-revolutionary perspective on 
every other institution, presumably for th          To me this all 
demonstrates the European taboo on public (and much private), 
revolutionary discussion and critique of reproductive institutions 
and practices ( the mode of reproduction) is           Marx and 
Engels did creep up on telling the truth about the revolutionary 
direction of the develop nt of the family. Many years after the 
Manifesto, in  _The Origin of the Family, Private                     
 "  Feuerbach starts out from the fact of religious self-alienation, 
of the             duplication of the world into a religious world 
and a secular               work consists in resolving the religious 
world into its               But that the secular basis detaches 
itself from itse              itself as an independent realm in the 
clouds can only be              by the cleavages and 
self-contradictions within this               The latter              
 therefore, in itself be both understood in its contradiction and     
           revolutionised in practice. Thus, for instance, _after the 
              earthlyfamily               is discovered to be the 
secret of the holy family, the former must               then itself 
be destroyed in theory and practice_" (emphasis added,              

               So, Marx knew that monogamy would be revolutionised
 and "destroyed". He just did not shout it, the way he did 
"expropriate the expropriators" and the like.

               Let us examine the issue a little more deeply.  By the
 every Marxist knows the A,B,C's of historical materialism or the 
materialist conception of history. The history of  hit               
In The German Ideology, Marx and Engels asserted an elementary 
anthropological or "human nature" rationale for this conception. In a 
section titled "History: Fundamental Conditions, th               
"*life involves before everything else eating and drinking,           
    a habitation, clothing and many other things.  The first 
historical               act is thus the production of material life 
itself.  And indeed this               is an historical act, a 
fundamental condition of all history, which               today, as 
thousands of years ago, must daily and hourly be                
fulfilled merely in order to sustain human life."

          Production and economic classes are the starting point of Marxist
 of  human society because human life, like all plant and animal life 
must fulfill biological needs to exist as lif          Yet , it is 
fundamental in biology that the basic life sustaining processes of a 
species are twofold. There is obtaining the material means of life 
and subsistence or success of survival of          Thus, having 
premised their theory in part on human biology, our "species-being",, 
Marx and Engels are logically obligated to develop historical 
materialism based, not only on the logic of           In  The German 
Ideology, they did recognize reproduction as a "fundamental condition 
of history" along with production. However, they give reproduction  
or , at least, "the family" a subord                   "The third 
circumstance which, from the very outset, enters into          
historical development, is that men, who daily remake their own life  
        begin to make other men, to propagate their kind: the 
relation            between           man and woman, parents and 
children, the family.  The family, which           to begin with is 
the only social relationship, becomes later, when          increased 
needs create a new social relations and the increased          
population new  needs, a subordinate one*"                 My thesis 
in this essay is that the mode of reproduction (in the broad sense, 
including, but not limited to social institutions called "the" 
family) of human beings remains throughout human          Not only 
that. In the above quoted passage, Marx and Engels give reproduction 
a "subordinate" ,"fundamental" condition of history status by the 
following sleight of hand: in part population         Another passage 
in The German Ideology demonstrates the same sort of magical rather 
than scientific use         "Only now, after having considered four 
moments, four a        primary historical relations, do we find that 
man also possess              In this long paragraph (only partially 
quoted), we see Marx and Engels's early formulation and explanation 
of the                          "According to the materialistic conception,
the determining 
factor in       history is , in the final instance, the production and 
reprodu This formulation and the change in it from that in _The 
German "reproduction creates subjects", I mean "reproduction" in a 

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