^^^^ CB: Sure. The goal is a class_less_ society. The working class is an 
exploited/oppressed class. The aim in no exploiting or exploited classes. 

But in the transitional stage, the working class is the ruling class. That's 
before the total abolition of classes. 



> and that the essence of capitalism is NOT private 
>property plus the market, 

^^^ CB: Capitalism's "essence" is that commodity production and exchange ( "the 
market") dominates the whole economy , and the vast majority oflabor is becomes 
a commodity ( wage-labor). Feudalism and slavery had private property, but 
commodity production ( production for exchange, not use) was in only a small 
section of the whole economy. Labor power as a commodity was in only a small 
segment too. 

and that it cannot be transcended by merely 
>abolishing private proprty and the market but that the industrial 
>organization of production must be eliminated. 

I don't know what "industrial organization of production" means. 

^^^ CB: See Part IV of _Capital_ Vol. I. Marx gives the Marxist essentials of 
The Industrial Revolution - Cooperation and Machines. 

Part IV: Production of Relative Surplus Value 

Ch. 12: The Concept of Relative Surplus-Value Ch. 13: Co-operation Ch. 14: 
Division of Labour and Manufacture Ch. 15: Machinery and Modern Industry 
http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch12.htm ^^^ 

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