It takes a fight to win
By Sam Webb

It seems clear that the prospects for a bipartisan health care bill are
diminishing with each passing day. And as far as I'm concerned that is a
good thing. Nothing good, nothing resembling "reform" could come from
bipartisanship in this Congress. The Republicans have no appetite for real
health care reform. The health care system isn't broken in their view. So
why fix it? A few cosmetic changes maybe, but nothing more.

According to media reports, the Democrats have begun devising a strategy to
pass a bill without Republican support. I applaud them. While I can
understand President Obama's desire to pass a bipartisan bill, there is
nothing necessarily virtuous about bipartisanship, it should not be turned
into a principle of political governance. Conversely, political partisanship
is not necessarily a dirty word either. The appropriate method of governing
can't be decided abstractly.

Process in politics is important, but it shouldn't trump the democratic
will. Millions elected Barack Obama and a new Congress in the expectation
that they would bring real change to their lives. But the health care debate
is making crystal clear that the Republicans and to a degree some Democrats
are in no mood to assist the the legislative agenda of the Obama
administration, - an agenda that the majority of Americans elected him to
carry out.

The mission of the extreme right in the Republican Party (and the extreme
right dominates the GOP), in fact, is to sabotge health care reform and
Obama's Presidency by any means necessary. It will embrace bipartisanship
only in words and only to the degree that it stalls the reform agenda of the
President. Once negotiations become substantive, right wing extremists turn
nasty and let loose their attack dogs, including their gun toting ones, on
the President and other advocates of real change.
I know the American people would like to have less rancor and partisanship
in politics, but it is hard to imagine that changing anytime soon. For one
thing, the extreme right turned mean spirited and divisive politics into its
trademark three decades ago and there is little reason to think that will
change going forward. In fact, the noise from the right wing is becoming
more strident and shrill, more dangerous, and more irresponsible since
President Obama was elected.

For another thing, eras of deepgoing democratic reform - the 1930s and 1960s
come to mind - are a product of clashing partisan interests and political
coalitions. Feelings are intense, democratic life is charged, divisions
along class and social lines emerge in clearer form, and social inertia
gives way to social action. Like it or not, political leaders and ordinary
people take sides.

Franklin Roosevelt and John L. Lewis took sides in the New Deal era; so did
President Lyndon Johnson and Dr. Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights era.
And in both eras, millions - most of whom were new to political activism -
threw themselves into the struggle for progressive social change. It wasn't
always pretty, but it was nearly always necessary. Had political leaders not
taken sides and had not people taken to the streets, progressive change
would have died stillborn.

With the wreckage of 30 years of right wing rule everywhere, an economic
crisis of immense proportions hanging over the country, an extreme right,
badly weakened, but still a part of the political equation, and powerful
corporate interests and their supporters in both parties who either want to
prevent or contain people's reforms, can we move this vast country in the
direction of economic justice, equality and peace without intense,
sustained, and partisan struggle with an increasingly anti-corporate thrust?
History and common sense say 'no.'

A reformer from an even earlier era famously said, "Power concedes nothing
without a struggle."

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