February is Black History month


Learning from Black History
By Grace Lee Boggs
Special to The Michigan Citizen


“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to
favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without
plowing up the ground, rain without thunder and lightning.”

For most people, including myself, this oft-quoted passage from
Frederick Douglass has summed up all that we had to learn from him. We
viewed revolutionary struggle mainly as the oppressed standing up,
rebelling against an external enemy, and (not yet) as two-sided
transformation. So revolutionary leadership meant only agitation and

Douglass was a revolutionary leader who developed beyond agitation and

As a young man, in 1840, after having been brutally beaten for
rebelling, after having taught himself (and others) to read, after
having bought a book on oratory to develop his skills in public
speaking, and after working in Baltimore for wages which he had to
turn over to his master, Frederick Bailey decided that the time had
come to take a train north and free himself from slavery.

During the next 20 years he changed his last name to Douglass,
established contact with William Lloyd Garrison and (mainly white)
Abolitionists, inspired audiences in this country and England with the
story of his degradation as a slave and his struggles to reclaim his
humanity, wrote different versions of his autobiography, decided to
purchase his freedom rather than continue to risk capture as a
fugitive slave, married and fathered four children, and established
his independence from Garrison and the abolitionists by publishing his
own newspaper.

In making these hard choices, Frederick Douglass matured and
transformed himself. By the time Lincoln was elected president and the
Civil War began, he was no longer only a Black leader. He had evolved
into the kind of Citizen leader needed by all Americans, a leader who
was not mainly a politician like Lincoln (or Obama), but one who
recognized that in order to free ourselves, Americans had to fight the
Civil War not only as a war to preserve the Union but as a war to
abolish slavery. In so doing, we/they would not only be freeing
Blacks, We/they would be acknowledging the terrible damage we/they
have done to our own humanity by enslaving African Americans, taking
the land from Native Americans, and exploiting peoples all over the

Frederick Douglass did not succeed in converting Lincoln. But by
sticking to his principles and by recruiting 200,000 Blacks to fight
on the side of the North, he won Lincoln’s respect and helped push him
towards issuing the January 1963 Emancipation Proclamation.

To get a sense of this kind of Citizen leadership that we now urgently
need, I recommend the little book Slave and Citizen: the Life of
Frederick Douglass by Nathan Huggins. Huggins is the author of Black
Odyssey, an invaluable account of how Africans were living materially
and spiritually before the slave traders arrived and how coming to
America in chains, they also had to create themselves anew.

Huggins was that rare Black intellectual willing to struggle openly
with other Black intellectuals. I’ll never forget his disagreeing so
seriously with Bob Moses at the October 1986 symposium (convened to
discuss how to celebrate MLK’s birthday as a national holiday) that he
tore up his prepared speech in order to challenge Moses. His essay
(“Martin Luther King Jr., Charisma and Leadership”) explaining the
profound questions at issue in this disagreement is in Revelations, a
collection of his writings compiled posthumously by his widow, Brenda
Smith Huggins.

When he died in his early 60s, Huggins was W.E.B. DuBois Professor of
History and Afro-American Studies at Harvard University, the position
now held by Henry Louis Gates Jr. Today we sorely need intellectuals
like Huggins who do not fiddle while Rome burns.

Now available: 2009 edition of James Boggs: The American Revolution,
with a new introduction by Grace Lee Boggs and commentaries by six
Detroit activists. For more essays and information visit

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