Oct 18, 11:39 AM EDT

Oil workers, youths, truckers defy French govt

AP Business Writer

PARIS (AP) -- French oil workers defied the government's demand Monday
to get back to work and end fuel shortages, stepping up the fight
against President Nicolas Sarkozy's retirement reforms. Youths and
truckers joined in, facing off against riot police and creating chaos
on the roads.

Strikers have blockaded a dozen French refineries and numerous oil
depots in the last week as part of widespread protests over Sarkozy's
plan to raise the retirement age to 62, a reform the French Senate is
voting on Wednesday.

Workers are angry because they consider retiring at 60 a pillar of
France's hard-won social contract - and fear this is just the first
step in eroding their often-envied quality of life. Critics say
Sarkozy wants to adopt an "American-style capitalist" system and claim
the government could find pension savings elsewhere, such as by
raising contributions from employers.

Sarkozy's conservative government points out that 62 is among the
lowest retirement ages in Europe, the French are living much longer
and the pension system is losing money already.

The strike by oil workers has been the most disruptive tactic yet -
and in response, the Interior Ministry opened a crisis coordination
center Monday just to focus on the conflict.

Fearful motorists have flocked to gas stations in panic and found many
empty, while aviation authorities have been forced to tell short-haul
planes coming in to make sure to bring enough fuel to get back.

The government ordered airlines to drastically cut back their flights
into France on Tuesday, when labor unions plan new nationwide protests
and strikes across the public sector. Severe disruptions to air
travel, public transport, schools and other facilities are expected.

Striking oil workers piled up tires and set them ablaze Monday in
front of a refinery at Grandpuits, east of Paris, after authorities
issued a legal order insisting that some reopen the facility. Workers
said they would refuse, as curls of heavy black smoke wafted into the

Other employees and residents formed a "human chain" to prevent people
from entering the plant.

Dozens of oil tankers remained stuck in the Mediterranean, anchored
outside Marseille's two oil ports, where workers have been on strike
for more than three weeks to protest a planned port reform as well as
the retirement changes.

Prime Minister Francois Fillon pledged Sunday to do what's necessary
to prevent fuel shortages, saying the government won't allow such
shortages to hurt the French economy. The head of France's petroleum
industry body said fuel reserves were "enough to keep us going for a
few weeks."

The protests in France come as countries across Europe are cutting
spending and raising taxes to bring down record deficits and debts
from the worst recession in 70 years. Labor leaders, students and
civil servants are fighting back.

French truckers staged organized slowdowns Monday to snarl highway
traffic. Cars and trucks drove at a snail's pace on the main highway
between Paris and the northern city of Lille, with red union flags
waving out the windows.

Youths, meanwhile, burned tires and cars, set up blockades and clashed
with riot police Monday outside some high schools in Paris and nearby

Students from Lycee Joliot Curie in the Paris suburb of Nanterre tried
to blockade their school, with about 100 facing off against police,
who responded with rubber bullets. In all, 261 schools were blocked by
protests Monday.

Rail unions, which have been on strike since early last week,
prolonged their walkouts through Tuesday to coincide with more than
200 street protests - the sixth nationwide protest since early

Union leaders also called for support strikes from other sectors,
including energy, postal workers and private commerce, as well as from
employees at Eurotunnel, which runs freight and passengers under the
English Channel to London.

France's DGAC civil aviation authority ordered airlines to cancel 50
percent of their flights Tuesday out of Paris' Orly airport, and 30
percent at other airports nationwide, including Paris' largest
airport, Charles de Gaulle. Most disruptions were expected to hit
short- and medium-haul flights.

Airport operator ADP said strikes by oil workers at Charles de Gaulle
airport had already begun causing delays on Monday. Spokesman Jerome
Landras said travelers should contact their airline to check on

Train traffic also continued to suffer from the nearly weeklong
strike. France's SNCF railway operator said about half its high-speed
TGV trains had been canceled Monday, but traffic on the Eurostar
between Paris and London was normal.


Associated Press writer Jean-Marie Godard in Paris contributed to this report.

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