Snip: "The international community has failed to do enough.  The United
Nations passed a toothless resolution and, in recent debates, China, Russia,
Pakistan and Algeria have been reluctant to support any meaningful action.
The UN is failing in its mission by allowing politics to get in the way of
needed action.  American leadership is needed to mobilize European support
and force action.  On the 10th anniversary of Rwandan atrocities, we must
not let history repeat itself." Obama, US Senator

It is finally happening. A US Senator is raising the issue for displacing
the African Union mediation solving problems in Sudan, advocating instead
deploying US and NATO imperialist armies into Sudan. This move is really
about oil, and China as an investor in Sudan oil, and about hatred by the US
and Israel because the Sudanese government backs the Palestinian antiradar
and opposed the US genocidal sanctions and military invasion's Gestapo
occupation of Iraq. It has nothing to do with Black Africans, or Rwanda or
Africa as such.

One must bare in mind that it is this same Party, the Democratic Party
including Democrats in Blackface (the so-called Congressional Black Caucus)
that supported the Republican Congressional Resolution setting sanctions
against Zimbabwe in retaliation for peasant land expropriations. Again, at
the end of his 'statement', Obama says the usual American propaganda crap
about 'humanitarian mission' (they used to call it 'the White Man's Burden')
to cover for their unwanted military intervention - in Afghanistan they said
it was to free Afghan women from their government which outlawed hot dogs
and;lowed miniskirts, in Iraq they try to justify maiming and killing Iraqis
in the name of 'peace and security' (which is what the Nazis said when they
suppressed the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Rebellion). American Democrats as well
as Republicans has blood of people of color on its hands --  nuclearized
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killed 3,000,000 Koreans in the decade of the 50s,
3,000,000 Vietnamese in the 60s, are responsible for the deaths of millions
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, El Salvador,
Honduras and so on, and we are to believe this Democrat when he says he's
concerned for 'Black Africans', when really? Really, what's up is that he's
trying to politically neutralize Blacks if and when Britain and America turn
Sudan into another Iraq.

Here Obama shows you whose side he's on, and what's really going on as they
say in the hood, when he attacks the UN for not giving the British and
American troops the fig leaf of 'international community' invasion of Sudan,
using the same language as Bush and Powell did against them re Iraq: "The
international community has failed to do enough.  The United Nations passed
a toothless resolution and, in recent debates, China, Russia, Pakistan and
Algeria have been reluctant to support any meaningful action.  The UN is
failing in its mission by allowing politics to get in the way of needed
action.  American leadership is needed to mobilize European support and
force action."

This has everything to do with Sudan and Iraqi oil, and opposition to
regimes that oppose both the Israeli genocide on Palestinians and American
genocide on Iraqis, yet, this American Democrats has the gall to bring up

  -----Original Message-----
  From: nwaakwukwo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:38 PM
  Subject: SEN. BARACK OBAMA (member of Congres.Black Caucus) STATEMENT ON

        Barack Obama
        Democrat U.S. Senate 2004

                    Statement from Barack Obama on Darfur, Sudan
                    Thursday, October 07, 2004

                    "Genocide is underway in Darfur, Sudan.  Already, 50,000
African Muslims have been killed and 1.2 million displaced by the Sudanese
Government and by Arab Janjaweed militias armed and encouraged by Khartoum.
The Bush Administration itself warned of the magnitude of the crisis, if no
action is taken.  Andrew Natsios, head of USAID, said in June that "if
nothing changes we will have one million casualties."  We cannot, in good
conscience, stand by and let this genocide continue.

                    "A July 30th UN Security Council resolution threatened
the Sudanese government with possible punitive measures if there were not
significant progress in protecting people and curbing the violence.
Secretary General Annan's follow-up report to the UN Security Council last
week makes plain that Sudan has failed to meet its commitment to rein in
these militias.  According to the report, "No concrete steps have been taken
to bring to justice or even identify any of the militia leaders or
perpetrators of these attacks, allowing the violations of human rights and
the basic laws of war to continue in a climate of impunity.''

                    "The international community has failed to do enough.
The United Nations passed a toothless resolution and, in recent debates,
China, Russia, Pakistan and Algeria have been reluctant to support any
meaningful action.  The UN is failing in its mission by allowing politics to
get in the way of needed action.  American leadership is needed to mobilize
European support and force action.  On the 10th anniversary of Rwandan
atrocities, we must not let history repeat itself.

                    "There must be real pressure placed on the Sudanese
government.  We know from past experience that it will take a great deal to
get them to do the right thing. The United States, along with the UN, must
take immediate steps to halt this dire situation.

                    "First, the UN Security Council should impose tough
sanctions on the Khartoum government immediately.  These sanctions should
freeze the assets of the Sudanese government, its leaders and business
affiliates; outlaw arms sales and transfers to Sudan; and prohibit the
purchase of Sudanese oil.  The United States must make this a high priority
in our relations with other governments on the Security Council.

                    "Second, the United States should raise the needed funds
to ensure that the civilians in Sudan receive life-saving humanitarian
assistance.  The situation is deteriorating rapidly and we should lead in
contributing the lion's share of these funds so that we can convince others
to give their fair share as well.

                    "Next, the United States should support the immediate
deployment of an effective international force to disarm militia, protect
civilians and facilitate delivery of humanitarian assistance in Darfur.
Thus far, the African Union has offered 3,000 troops and the United Kingdom
has indicated that they would offer some troops.  However, international
pressure is required for the Sudan regime to accept an international
peacekeeping force.  The U.S. must ensure humanitarian intervention with or
without Sudanese government permission.  And, we should urge European
governments who are not willing to send troops to Iraq to take on this

                    "There is no question that the United States military is
currently spread thin with our earlier commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq.
But, that does not mean that we should not be providing the resources that
we can, including logistical support like airplanes, helicopters, trucks,
and other resources that are needed to deliver humanitarian aid.

                    This should be a swift and clear-cut decision.  It is
not only an issue of saving lives in the Sudan.  It is necessary to support
our interests in the region.  And, our action and leadership will show who
we are as a nation and as a people."


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