<<For Hegel, and I assume for Marx and Engels, regular incremental changes 
(magnitude) does not turn into quality, but rather at some critical point, a 
quality emerges out of and negates regular incremental change.>> 
CB: I said quantitative change turns into qualitative _change_ . I didn't say 
incremental changes turn into quality - if that makes a difference. 

Here's what I said: 
Quantity turning into quality is a change in the type of change; it is 
quantitative _change_ turning into qualitative _change_.<<< 

Although I have a profound respect for Engels and Lenin, I would not attempt 
any statement or (heaven forbid) an exposition on dialectic's and the notion 
of quantity and quality from either standpoint. Generally, I approach the 
writings of Engels in the context of the general literature written during the 
of his exposition. The same applies to Lenin for that matter. 
As an abstraction of motion I tend to speak of quality first and foremost in 
the sense of a process and quantity in the sense of the stages of development 
of the process, rather than categories. In exposition as applied dialectics 
and our social movement, "quantity in the sense of the stages of development of 
the process," is expressed as "quantitative boundaries in the development of 
the industrial system." 
For example the Taylor system as Fordism - (production and assembly  
technique borrowed from the Singer Sewing Machine Company) represents a 
signature of a specific quantitative boundary in the quality that is the 
system, with the property relations within. Soviet socialism - (to a large 
degree) adopted this characteristic signature of a specific quantitative 
boundary in the industrial system. 
It is important for me to make the distinction between quantity in this sense 
and quantity in the sense of numbers or amount. Change is not a simple or 
complex shift in the balance of forces or the simple or gigantic increase or 
decrease of the old. Nor can change and most certainly emergence - especially 
the complex social sphere, be understood as a "qualitative increase" of the 
same thing or a given quantity. 
>>Quantity (understood as magnitude or process or the quantitative definition 
of a specific quality or quantitative changes at a determined stage) turning 
into quality  . . . is a change in the type of change (!!!); it is 
quantitative _change_ turning into qualitative _change. <<   . . . .
 . . . . can - in my opinion, be understood to mean that the quantiative 
expansion of a distinct quality reaches a nodal point or juncture or boundary 
produces a qualitative change in the process ("Change in the type of change") 
and this is not how the complex social process unfolds. "(T)he type of 
change" is pregnant with meaning reducing itself to quantitative or qualitative 
changes in the process itself (type of change) or a change in the tupe of 
(processd) generally referred to as the movement of antagonism or non 
antagonism as process. 
While contradiction is the basis for growth and development, antagonism is 
the basis for destruction and the rise of something new. Quantity passing over 
into quality means that within a distinct process a new "substance," ingredient 
or new qualitative definition has begun emergence or been injected into the 
process and this new qualitative definition grows incrementally as development 
or evolution. This "new qualitative definition" takes place quantitatively and 
it is this new quantitative definition that causes or defines emergence. 
How this new qualitative definition arises is a different question than 
quantity  passing over into quality on the basis of the growth of a new 
It is not like the system of Fordism got bigger and bigger or the machinery 
of the Ford era got bigger and bigger and led to a qualitative change. Nor can 
such quantitative expansion lead to a leap - transition, in the industrial 
system or its property relations on the basis of expansion of the magnitude 
called capitalism and or the industrial system. At any rate this is not what 
happened in the past or today. 
The quantitative introduction of a new quality (a quality antagonistic to the 
social process as it exists) begins the leap or transition because the new 
quality contains within itself a definition (identity) or evolution that cannot 
be fully realized within the old framework of the process from which it 
The quantitative introduction of a new quality into a process is very 
different than stating quantitative change turns into qualitative change. The 
means that some aspect or component internal to the process grows 
quantitatively and reaches a threshold producing qualitative change. This is 
why I do not 
use the example of heating water and the heat threshold of 212 degrees as 
constituting a qualitative changing of water. 
Water in a gaseous state is not qualitatively different from its liquid state 
in my opinion. One can of course speak of a change in its mode or state of 
being - manifesation, in the meaning of the word form. Thus one has to define 
what aspects of the substance as a process, one is referring to because water 
does not leap back and forth between one quality and  another by simply boiling 
it (212) or freezing it, although there is a change in its state as form. Here 
one is simply referring to waters state or mode of being as a "quality." Ice 
for example is frozen water. 
In respect to the example of boiling water the problem is fairly obvious. The 
water itself is a process; the heat or fire is a process and also the 
container and their interactivity is a process being described. Boiling water 
freezing it as such does not qualitatively change the process that is water. 
process that is water can be alter qualitatively, but that is not the issue. 
Actually, one would have to disrupt the unity by injecting something else into 
the unity process  - bond that makes water H20, to change it qualitatively. 
This can be done. Boiling water does not change it qualitatively. Nor does 
freezing water changes it in the context of the meaning of quantity passing 
into quality. 
To continue: 
Now the new quality develops quantitatively (incrementally) and, through a 
step-by-step process, disrupts and destroys whatever previously held the 
together. The change process erupts as the result of a new qualitative 
ingredient disrupting the bond that held the old unity together. Quantitative 
does not become qualitative change. Quantitative change passes over into 
qualitative change because a new quality is in process evolution and it is the 
quantitative expansion of this new quality that constitutes the process of 
"passing over." 
Beginning with quality and its quantitative configuration has always helped 
For example, an understanding of quantity and quality helps explain why the 
simple intensification of the social struggle doesn't lead to political 
revolution. The relation of quantity and quality is indispensable to helping 
the actual stages and steps in the line of march of the social revolution of 
our time and the tasks of revolutionaries at each of those stages. A 
quantitative increase in the exploitation, poverty and misery of the workers 
cannot and 
will never lead to communism. Revolt and even political revolution can take 
place but not communism. Society cannot leap to communism on the basis of any 
kind of political revolution without certain other qualitative changes - before 
hand, in society. 
People organize (create productive relations) around their tools and the 
knowledge of using them (the productive forces) for the production of their 
clothing and housing and development of their culture, the arts, media, music, 
etc. The dialectical development of the struggle between the constantly 
developing productive forces and the static productive relations is the motive 
force for the quantitative development of social systems. 
Qualitative change (negation in its most common usage) in the motive forces 
used in production is the basis of qualitative changes between economic 
The sum total of the productive relations constitutes the economic structure 
of society. The basis of the productive relations of capitalism is that the 
working class has to sell its labor power to the capitalist class in order to 
live. This fundamental relationship is static. Society, however, is much more 
The relationships among the workers, among the capitalists, and between the 
workers and capitalists are all part of these definite indispensable relations 
that shape not simply the society but the individual. For example, the special 
oppression of black people is part of the productive relations, as is the 
position of the proletarian woman. The struggle for reform is precisely a 
struggle to reform the productive relations. In this country, there have been 
legal reforms of Social Security, civil rights and women's rights, to name a 
Capitalism's basic law of private appropriation of socially produced 
commodities needs to be reformed. Since it cannot be reformed, the use of 
robotics, production and distribution control by computers disrupts that law. 
The quantitative (incremental) injection of a new qualitative ingredient into 
the productive forces - computers, advanced robotics and digitalized process) 
unravels or ruptures the bond between worker and capitalist qualitatively. 
The sale of labor power and the labor process become incompatible with the 
mode of distribution. With no reforms left, society turns toward revolution. 
It is not enough to state that the bourgeois revolutionize production because 
as a historical curve production is always revolutionize as the law of 
history development. 
Marx describes the process over and over and in Capital Vol. 1 Chapter 32, 
Historical Tendency of Capitalist accumulation he describes the process under 
what he calls "this petty mode of production exists also under slavery, 
and other states of dependence. . . . At a certain stage of development, it 
brings forth the material agencies for its own dissolution. From that moment 
new forces and new passions spring up in the bosom of society; but the old 
social organization fetters them and keeps them down.
Marx description makes it clear he is talking about the injection of a new 
qualitative ingredient into an old sect of production and social relations 
(property) and it is this new qualitative definition that grows quantitatively. 
"This mode of production (petty mode of production. WL) pre-supposes 
parcelling of the soil and scattering of the other means of production. As it 
the concentration of these means of production, so also it excludes 
co-operation, division of labor within each separate process of production, the 
over, and the productive application of the forces of Nature by society, and 
the free development of the social productive powers. It is compatible only 
with a system of production, and a society, moving within narrow and more or 
less primitive bounds. To perpetuate it would be, as Pecqueur rightly says, "to 
decree universal mediocrity". At a certain stage of development, it brings 
forth the material agencies for its own dissolution. From that moment new 
and new passions spring up in the bosom of society; but the old social 
organization fetters them and keeps them down. It must be annihilated; it is 
annihilated. Its annihilation," 
"At a certain stage of development, it brings forth the material agencies for 
its own dissolution."
Quantity does not turn(ing) into quality, but rather pass over (interactivity 
or as it is called inter/inner penetration) on the basis of "new forces and 
new passions" - a new quality definition birthed within the sum total of the 
old production relations. 

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