Scientific law

A scientific law or scientific principle is a concise verbal or
mathematical statement of a relation that expresses a fundamental
principle of science, like Newton's law of universal gravitation. A
scientific law must always apply under the same conditions, and
implies a causal relationship between its elements. The law must be
confirmed and broadly agreed upon through the process of inductive
reasoning. As well, factual and well-confirmed statements like
"Mercury is liquid at standard temperature and pressure" are
considered to be too specific to qualify as scientific laws. A central
problem in the philosophy of science, going back to David Hume, is
that of distinguishing scientific laws from principles that arise
merely accidentally because of the constant conjunction of one thing
and another.[1]

A law differs from a scientific theory in that it does not posit a
mechanism or explanation of phenomena: it is merely a distillation of
the results of repeated observation. As such, a law is limited in
applicability to circumstances resembling those already observed, and
is often found to be false when extrapolated. Ohm's law only applies
to constant currents, Newton's law of universal gravitation only
applies in weak gravitational fields, the early laws of aerodynamics
such as Bernoulli's principle do not apply in case of compressible
flow such as occurs in transonic and supersonic flight, Hooke's law
only applies to strain below the elastic limit, etc.

The term "scientific law" is traditionally associated with the natural
sciences, though the social sciences also contain scientific laws.[2]
Laws can become obsolete if they are found in contradiction with new
data, as with Bode's law or the biogenetic law.

[edit] See also
Laws of science
Empirical research
Empirical method
Empirical statistical laws
Law (principle)
Scientific laws named after people
Scientific theory
[edit] References
^ Honderich, Ted, ed. (1995), "Laws, natural or scientific", Oxford
Companion to Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 474–476,
ISBN 0-19-866132-0
^ Ehrenberg, Andrew S C (1993), "Even the Social Sciences Have Laws,"
Nature, 365:6445 (30), 385.

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