Thailand: challenging the "heroic revolution" archetype

by Somtow Sucharitkul

ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Drum Unleashed

May 20, 2010

I have been composing a long, day by day account of the
"troubles" of the last three days, which I have not yet
posted. The reason is that I've been getting a lot of mail
asking me to explain "the truth" to people overseas.

A lot of people here are astonished and appalled at the
level of irresponsibility and inaccuracy shown by such major
news sources as CNN, and are attributing the most
astonishing motives to this, such as suggesting that they're
in the pay of Thaksin and so on.

I don't think this is really what is going on. Rather, I
think that there are two basic problems: preconception and

CNN first became a force to be reckoned with during the
"People Power" movement in the Philippines. The kind of
coverage we had for this was amazing. There was a camera in
every camp, and we could follow this exciting revolution
every step of the way. We knew exactly who to root for: the
oppressed masses led by the widow of the iconic Aquino, and
we knew that whenever President Marcos appeared he was Darth
Vader, the symbol of an evil empire. The arc of the story
was simple and inexorable. A whole new way of looking at the
news was born, with all the excitement of a TV miniseries
and, prophetically, a reality show as well.

Of course, many of the little details of the story were
conveniently glossed over. Reality was not - never is - so
black and white. But there are three important things about
this story: first, in its essentials, there was a lot of
truth. And all the protagonists spoke English.

The Philippines, as Filipinos never tire of telling me, is
the third most populous English speaking country in the
world. We will leave the definition of "English-speaking" to
another blog, but it's very important that the various sides
in this conflict were able to articulate their viewpoints in
a language which CNN well understood.

The third important thing about the story is that it
fulfilled a vision of history that is an inseparable part of
the inheritance of western culture, that is so ingrained in
western thinking that it is virtually impossible for an
educated member of western society to divorce himself from

It is a vision of history as a series of liberations. From
Harmodius and Aristogeiton throwing off the tyrant's yoke to
the removal of the Tarquins and the establishment of the
Roman Republic to the failed rebellion of Spartacus, from
Magna Carta to the Bastille to the American Civil War to the
Russian Revolution, there is this Platonic Model against
which these big historical movements are always compared.
There is a bad guy - often a dictator - who can be
demonised. There is a struggling proletariat. The end comes
with "liberty and justice for all". This is Star Wars. The
dark times. The Empire.

The "People Power" coverage was riveting, compelling, and
contained all the emotional components of this mythical
story arc. Finding another such story, therefore, is a kind
of Holy Grail for the international media. When a story
comes that appears to contain some of the elements, and it's
too much hard work to verify those elements or get all the
background detail, you go with the Great Archetype of
Western Civilisation.

Now, let us consider the redshirt conflict.

Let's not consider what has actually been happening in
Thailand, but how it looks to someone whose worldview has
been coloured with this particular view of history.

Let's consider the fact that there is pretty much nothing
being explained in English, and that there are perhaps a
dozen foreigners who really understand Thai thoroughly. I
don't mean Thai for shopping, bargirls, casual conversation
and the like. Thai is a highly ambiguous language and is
particularly well suited for seeming to say opposite things
simultaneously. To get what is really being said takes total

When you watch a red shirt rally, notice how many English
signs and placards there are, and note that they are
designed to show that these are events conforming to the
archetype. The placards say "Democracy", "No Violence,"
"Stop killing innocent women and children" and so on.
Speakers are passionately orating, crowds are moved. But
there are no subtitles. What does it look like?

The answer is obvious. It looks like oppressed masses
demanding freedom from an evil dictator.

Don't blame Dan Rivers, et al, who are only doing what they
are paid to do: find the compelling story within the mass of
incomprehensible data, match that story to what the audience
already knows and believes, and make sure the advertising
money keeps flowing in.

A vigorous counter-propaganda campaign in clear and simple
English words of one syllable has always been lacking and is
the reason the government is losing the PR war while
actually following the most logical steps toward a real and
lasting resolution.

If the foreign press were in fact able to speak Thai well
enough to follow all the reportage here coming from all
sides, they would also be including some of the following
information in their reports. I want to insist yet again
that I am not siding with anyone. The following is just
information that people really need before they write their
news reports.

 Thaksin was democratically elected, but became
increasingly undemocratic, and the country gradually
devolved from a nation where oligarchs skimmed off the top
to a kleptocracy of one. During his watch, thousands of
people were summarily executed in the South of Thailand and
in a bizarre "war on drugs" in which body count was
considered a marker of success.

 the coup that ousted Thaksin was of course completely
illegal, but none of the people who carried it out are in
the present government.

 the yellow shirts' greatest error in moulding its
international image was to elevate Thaksin's corruption as
its major bone of contention. Thai governments have always
been corrupt. The extent of corruption and the fact that
much of it went into only one pocket was shocking to Thais,
but the west views all "second-rate countries" as being
corrupt. Had they used the human rights violations and
muzzling of the press as their key talking points, the
"heroic revolution" archetype would have been moulded with
opposite protagonists, and CNN and BBC would be telling an
opposite story today.

 the constitution which was approved by a referendum after
the coup and which brought back democracy was flawed, but it
provided more checks and balances, and made election fraud a
truly accountable offense for the first time.

 the parliamentary process by which the Democrat coalition
came to power was the same process by which the Lib Dems and
Tories have attained power in Britain. The parliament that
voted in this government consists entirely of democratically
elected members.

 no one ever disputed the red shirts' right to peaceful
assembly, and the government went out of its way to accede
to their demands.

 this country already has democracy. Not a perfect one, but
the idea of "demanding democracy" is sheer fantasy

 the yellow shirts did not succeed in getting any of their
demands from the government. The last two governments
changed because key figures were shown to have committed
election fraud. They simply did not take their own
constitution seriously enough to follow it.

 the red TV station has a perfect right to exist, but if
foreign journalists actually understood Thai, they would
realise that much of its content went far beyond any
constitutionally acceptable limits of "protected speech" in
a western democracy. Every civilised society limits speech
when it actually harms others, whether by inciting hate or
by slander. The government may have been wrong to brusquely
pull the plug, but was certainly right to cry foul. It
should have sought an injunction first. Example: Arisman
threatened to destroy mosques, government buildings, and
"all institutions you hold sacred" ... a clip widely seen on
YouTube, without subtitles. Without subtitles, it looks like
"liberty, equality, fraternity".

 the army hasn't been shooting women and children ... or
indeed anyone at all, except in self-defence. Otherwise this
would all be over, wouldn't it? It's simple for a big army
to mow down 5,000 defenceless people.

 since the government called the red shirts' bluff and
allowed the deputy P.M. to report to the authorities to hear
their accusations, the red leaders have been making ever-
more fanciful demands. The idea of UN intervention is
patently absurd. When Thaksin killed all those Muslims and
alleged drug lords, human rights groups asked the UN to
intervene. When the army took over the entire country, some
asked the UN to intervene. The UN doesn't intervene in the
internal affairs of sovereign countries except when
requested to by the country itself or when the government
has completely broken down.

 Thailand hasn't had an unbreachable gulf between rich and
poor for at least 20 years. These conflicts are about the
rise of the middle class, not the war between the
aristocrats and the proletariat.

 Abhisit, with his thoroughly western and somewhat liberal
background, shares the values of the west and is in fact
more likely to bring about the social revolution needed by
Thailand's agrarian poor than any previous leader. He is, in
fact, pretty red, while Thaksin, in his autocratic style of
leadership, is in a way pretty yellow. Simplistic portrayals
do not help anyone to understand anything.

 the only people who do not seem to care about the reds'
actual grievances are their own leaders, who are basically
making everyone risk their lives to see if they can get

 the King has said all that he is constitutionally able to
say when he spoke to the supreme court justices and urged
them to do their duty. The western press never seem to
realise that the Thai monarchy is constitutionally on the
European model ... not, say, the Saudi model. The king
REIGNS ... he doesn't "rule". This is a democracy. The king
is supposed to symbolise all the people, not a special
interest group.

The above are just a few of the elements that needed to be
sorted through in order to provide a balanced view of what
is happening in this country.

There is one final element that must be mentioned. Most are
not even aware of it. But there is, in the western mindset,
a deeply ingrained sense of the moral superiority of western
culture which carries with it the idea that a third world
country must by its very nature be ruled by despots, oppress
peasants, and kill and torture people. Most westerners
become very insulted when this is pointed out to them
because our deepest prejudices are always those of which we
are least aware. I believe that there is a streak of this
crypto- racism in some of the reportage we are seeing in the
west. It is because of this that Baghdad, Yangon, and
Bangkok are being treated as the same thing. We all look

Yes, this opinion is always greeted with outrage. I do my
best to face my own preconceptions and don't succeed that
often, but I acknowledge they exist nonetheless.

Some of the foreign press are painting the endgame as the
Alamo, but it is not. It is a lot closer to Jonestown or

Like those latter two cases, a highly charismatic leader
figure (in our case operating from a distance, shopping in
Paris while his minions sweat in the 94°weather) has taken
an inspirational idea: in one case Christianity, in the
other democracy, and reinvented it so that mainstream
Christians, or real democrats, can no longer recognise it.
The followers are trapped. There is a siege mentality and
information coming from outside is screened so that those
trapped believe they will be killed if they try to leave.
Women and children are being told that they are in danger if
they fall into the hands of the government, and to distrust
the medics and NGOs waiting to help them. There are outraged
pronouncements that they're not in fact using the children
as human shields, but that the parents brought them
willingly to "entertain and thrill" them. There is mounting
paranoia coupled with delusions of grandeur, so that the
little red kingdom feels it has the right to summon the
United Nations, just like any other sovereign state. The
reporters in Rajprasong who are attached to the red
community are as susceptible to this variant of the
Stockholm syndrome as anyone else.

The international press must separate out the very real
problems that the rural areas of Thailand face, which will
take decades to fix, from the fact that a mob is rampaging
through Bangkok, burning, looting, and firing grenades,
threatening in the name of democracy to destroy what
democracy yet remains in this country.

But this bad reporting is not their fault. It is our fault
for not providing the facts in bite-sized pieces, in the
right language, at the right time.

This article has been republished with the permission of the
author. It first appeared here. <>
Clarifications made by the author can be found here. <>

[Somtow Sucharitkul is a composer, author and media
personality. He is conductor of the Bangkok Opera and the
Siam Philharmonic Orchestra.]

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