The German Revolution of 1848/49 by the German Information Center

The dream of German unity had been dreamt before. Long before the post-World 
War II division of Europe and long before "silent revolutions" in Eastern 
Europe ended that division, there was another time when Germans took to the 
streets to demand freedom and unity and for a few months seemed to achieve 
their goal. This month in today's free and united Germany, its citizens recall 
and honor those revolutionaries of 1848. And by the same token, they reflect on 
how their history might have been changed if the revolution of 1848 had 
achieved its aims. Germany before 1848 was fragmented and retained much of the 
feudal system. It was a place of many large and small principalities, many of 
them ruled by absolute sovereigns; it seethed with territorial rivalries and 
conflicting interests. Its people were the aristocracy and the downtrodden 
masses of peasants and land workers, as well as tradesmen, craftsmen and small 
shop owners.


A strong, although not unified, movement of liberal and democratic opposition 
began forming early in the 19th century. Though of varied political beliefs, 
all sought such basic rights as freedom of the press, trial by jury and 
constitutional systems of government in the states, as well as the unification 
of Germany into one nation-state. Social and political tensions grew toward the 
end of 1847 as an economic crisis, including a failed harvest that sparked food 
riots, spread through Europe; the number of people's gatherings and peasants' 
revolts increased. Finally, an uprising in Paris in February 1848 sparked 
similar armed uprisings in Vienna and Berlin; these two cities, as well as 
Baden and the southwest of Germany, were to form the centers of the revolution. 
The German rulers were frightened enough to grant concessions: they promised 
liberal constitutions, appointed liberals to ministries, promised freedom of 
the press, the freedom to hold meetings and a German national parliament. 

Frankfurt was the center of revolutionary activity and the site of the National 
Assembly that was convened by the revolutionary movement and officially opened 
on May 18, 1848 in St. Paul's Cathedral (Paulskirche). From the beginning, the 
work of the Assembly was hampered -- and finally crippled -- by the political 
divisions among its members. In fact, power struggles among conservatives, 
liberals and left-wing democrats led to an abandonment of the original 
revolutionary program even before the Assembly convened. From the beginning, 
the liberal/bourgeois positions taken by a majority of Assembly members focused 
on appeasement and compromise with the states. The Assembly did not reflect the 
social composition of the nation. Dubbed the "professor's parliament," it was 
dominated by civil servants and academics who brought to their task 
intellectual commitment but little knowledge of what was politically feasible. 
About a sixth of the deputies came from trade and industry and the landed 
gentry. Peasants and workers remained without direct representation. In 
addition to philosophical and ideological conflicts, the Assembly was hampered 
by the fact that its members had no established parliamentary procedure to draw 
upon, and that political groupings were fluid. The result was a plethora of 
petitions, motions and speeches on every single point. The Assembly had two 
primary tasks: to draw up a national constitution and to create a centralized 
government. It formed a temporary Imperial government, but its composition 
reflected the problems of relations between a unified German state and the 
individual states, particularly Austria and Prussia. The election of the 
Austrian Archduke Johann as Imperial Administrator was seen as promotion of 
Austrian interests. The Assembly was unable to invest this central 
administration with power and authority. The newly created government had no 
civil service and no army, and a number of German monarchs refused to swear the 
allegiance of their troops to the Imperial Administrator. The summer months of 
1848 were spent in debates over the formulation of "Basic Rights for the German 
People" and they were promulgated in December 1848. Truly revolutionary in this 
class-based, hierarchical society, the basic rights proclaimed equal 
opportunity and equal rights for all citizens before the law. 

The Beginnings of Reaction 

Opposition was forming and new crises brewed even as the Basic Rights were 
being drawn up. The National Assembly lent support to nationalists in 
Schleswig-Holstein, which was threatened by annexation by Denmark, by sending 
Prussian troops. On September 21, radical democrats proclaimed the "German 
Social Republic"; but were beaten back by the united armies of Prussia, 
Austria, Hessen and Bavaria. In Frankfurt, the National Assembly was directly 
threatened by opponents of the cease-fire in Schleswig-Holstein. Again the weak 
National Assembly had to accept the assistance of Prussian and Austrian troops 
to repulse the threat. The compromise policies of the Assembly were again 
evident when work on drawing up a German constitution began in September in the 
Paulskirche. The overriding issue before the Assembly was setting the borders 
of the German nation-state. Initially, a majority of deputies favored a 
"greater German solution" that would include the German-speaking areas of 
Austria and separate them from the rest of the Habsburg Empire. Their plans 
were thwarted by Austrian Prince Felix Schwarzenberg, who introduced a 
centralized constitution for the entire Austrian Empire. Prince Schwarzenberg's 
action was the beginning of the end for the fledgling German state. The title 
of Emperor of a Germany without Austria (the "small solution") was then offered 
to the Prussian King Frederick William IV. Frederick rejected the offer, 
however and spoke out against the 28 states that had already recognized the 
Imperial constitution. Turmoil continued into 1849. A large number of liberal 
delegates left the Assembly, and the republican left became the dominant force. 
The Assembly was finally forcibly disbanded by the military forces of 
Württemberg. For all intents and purposes, the revolution of 1848/49 was over. 
The achievements of March 1848 were repealed in all states; by 1851, the Basic 
Rights had also been abolished nearly everywhere. In the end, the revolution 
also failed because of the overwhelming number of tasks it faced. It was 
supposed to overcome feudal political structures, end German particularism and 
lead Germany to national unity, develop a free constitution focusing on basic 
rights for all, establish a parlimentary system and solve massive social 
problems, all at once. The bourgeoisie was a major force behind the initial 
revolutionary ardor. As was the case everywhere in Europe at that time, it was 
liberal but clearly not democratically minded. The revolution's point of crisis 
was reached when the bourgeoisie saw its economic and social position 
threatened by the increasing demands of the proletariat and placed itself under 
the "protective" hand of the reactionary authorities. The "March Revolution" 
was flawed and short-lived, but it was not in vain. Quite the contrary: the 
ideals that motivated the revolutionaries and the parliament they established 
led directly to the 1919 constitution of the Weimar Republic, to the Basic Law 
of the post-WWII Federal Republic of Germany and to German unification in 1989. 
The political groupings and alliances that emerged during this time, however 
ineffective, may be seen as precursors to the political parties of modern 
Germany. The romance and idealism of 1848 also lives on in a rich legacy of 
songs and poems. Part of a popular song in 1848, as the National Assembly 
grappled with the creation of a new German government, went as follows: 

"Who shall our German Kaiser be? A prince from Elbe or Rhine maybe? Perhaps a 
prince from Leuchtenberg, Munich, Hanover, Wurtemberg? O no! O no! We all 
agree, Not one of these shall Kaiser be!

Now tell us true, who shall it be? Whose hand shall stablish Germany? Whose 
brow deserve the dignity? Perchance the People's sovereignty? Ah, there again 
we all agree, The People shall our Kaiser be! The revolution affected other 
countries as well. Many of the "Forty-Eighters," as they came to be called, 
fled to the United States and played a significant role in 19th century U.S. 
history. The "Forty-Eighters" in the United States 

The "Forty-Eighters" who emigrated to the United States after the failed 
revolution left their mark in a number of ways. Generally young and 
well-educated, they were political activists who often assumed leadership 
positions in their communities, thus strengthening solidarity and a sense of 
ethnic identity among German immigrants. Two of the many prominent 
"Forty-Eighters" are described briefly below. Frederick Hecker belonged to the 
republican left and was one of the deputies sent to Frankfurt to create the new 
German nation-state. Disillusioned and angered by the pro-monarchy leanings of 
many Frankfurt delegates, he and his followers attempted a coup d'état in May 
1848. The coup failed and Hecker fled to the United States, leaving heartbroken 
followers. One of them penned the following lines: 

"Hecker, farewell! How sore the spirit labors! 
Thy loyal friends will nurse for thee their sorrow. 
Man's treachery our leader from us stole."

Arriving in Cincinnati, Ohio, Hecker lost no time in founding the first 
Turnverein* (gymnastics club, see below) in the United States. He then settled 
in Belleville, Illinois, where he lived as a "gentleman farmer" until the Civil 
War. In 1864, Hecker assembled a regiment of primarily fellow German immigrants 
(the 82nd Illinois, called the "Hecker Regiment") and marched into battle for 
the Union. He returned at the end of the war disabled and lived out the rest of 
his life in Belleville.

Carl Schurz remains one of the best-known German immigrants to America. He 
fought in the 1848/49 revolution as a young man and again fifteen years later 
in the American Civil War. He was a skilled orator and an ardent supporter of 
Lincoln, who appointed him Minister to Spain afterbecoming president. Resigning 
to take up a military career, he fought at Chancellorsville as a division 
commander in May 1863; in July of 1863, he assumed command of the 11th Corps in 
Gettysburg. After the war, Schurz became a prominent political figure. He was 
sent by President Andrew Johnson on a tour of the defeated South, on what would 
today be called a fact-finding mission. Serving a term in the United States 
Senate, he advocated a conciliatory policy toward the South. He served as a 
cabinet minister in the administration of Rutherford B. Hays and late in life 
took up political journalism.

*(Turnvereine were founded in Germany by Friedrich Jahn with the idea of 
combining physical training with the inculcation of the ideals of free and 
self-respecting citizens. Strange as this may seem today, the notion of 
gymnastics as part of an education for the people was startling in autocratic, 
paternalistic Germany. The Turner were banned in 1819, but the ban was lifted 
in March 1848 in one of the initial victories of the revolution.) Remembering 
the 1848 Revolution 

The revolution of 1848/49 remains a pivotal moment in German history and it is 
far from forgotten. On Friday, February 27, -- the day in 1848 when unrest in 
France spread to Germany -- an exhibition-on-wheels (mounted in four train cars 
and organized jointly by the states Hessen, Rhineland-Palatinate and 
Baden-Württemberg) rolled out of the Wiesbaden (Hessen) station and began its 
journey to the sites of the Revolution. During the trip to a large "history 
festival" in Karlsruhe, where the train arrived later that day, two prominent 
passengers, the prime ministers of Hessen and Rhineland-Palatinate, discussed 
the events of 1848 with students. Frankfurt will host a festival week May 
18-24, 1998 to commemorate the momentous events that took place there one 
hundred and fifty years ago. The activities center around a major exhibition 
called 1848: Awakening to Freedom (1848: Aufbruch zur Freiheit) that will be 
opened by Federal President Roman Herzog. In Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg), the 
exhibition 1848: Revolution of German Democrats in Baden (1848: Revolution der 
deutschen Demokraten in Baden), running until August 2, contains more than a 
touch of historical irony. The exhibition is housed in the former princely 
residence and dramatically portrays the hasty flight of Duke Leopold before the 
advancing revolutionaries. In the United States, the Max Kade German-American 
Center in Indianapolis will host a symposium titled "150 Years: The German 
Revolution 1848-1998: German-American Dimensions." April 23-26 in Indianapolis. 

More information on all of these events is available at 

By Susan Steiner, German Information Center

Sources: Questions on German History. 
Catalogue of an exhibition in the Berlin Reichstag. 1984: Publications Section 
of the German Bundestag 
The German-American Forty-Eighters 1848-1998. Edited by Don Heinrich Tolzmann. 
1998: Max Kade German-American Center, Indianapolis 
The Forty-Eighters. Edited by A.E. Zucker. 1950: Columbia University Press


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