In a message dated 7/10/2009 3:45:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes: -
How about " little nigger who knows nothin about nothin" 
This translation works for me. 
Apparently, the "little nigger" knows "something about something."  
The difference between Bush W. and the Obama election is that Obama won his 
 election and Bush was appointed by the Supreme Court based on excluding 
millions  of peoples vote. Then the voters voted for Bush because they liked 
him and his  white unity program.  American voted for Bush because he said I 
am going to  be a military president, give you money and improve your life. 
The voters -  majority, said "ok." 
Then he did not deliver the bacon. And the soldiers started arriving home  
with plates in their heads and genetic distortions from "nuclear." Blowback  
changes America. Killing a 10,000,000 means nothing to America and the 
American  people if there is no blow back or impact on the murderers. Sure, a 
handful of  us care but this is nothing. 
What Obama knows and is doing in real time is realigning American policy  
domestically and foreign. The Obama coalition has momentarily pushed the  
domestic historic fascist/white chauvinist current to the fringe of American  
politics.  Interestingly, the majority of humanity seems to have an  interest 
in shattering the leading edge of this deadly ideology. 
See, Bush W. called for a Holy War; a war of Christians - white peoples,  
against everyone on earth, who is not white or Christian. White unity calls  
forth its counterpart in the former colonies: national ideological unity 
against  the historically oppressing peoples, who are white. 
America’s first black President makes a new national dialogue possible. Or  
rather, the spontaneous push for a new and different national dialogue 
called  forth our first black president. This is not a coincidence. This first 
black  President is a historic crossing of the color line. 
Perhaps, stating this backwards is more palatable.  
Obama’s candidacy and victory is the social response to something else -  
economic, social decay and 40 years of desegregation. No one was fooled into  
supporting Obama candidacy. Were the voters fooled into supporting Bush W? 
No.  Was Bush first presidential bid contested? Yes. 
Bush W. as president meant white unity won the day and everyone in America  
knows that. Yet, eight years later we somehow end up with a "little nigger 
that  knows nothing about nothing" and is capable of fooling people into 
voting for  him. 
Obama’s articulated vision and words were presented in contrast with the  
white chauvinist vision and oratory of John McCain’s "Country First" 
candidacy.  "Country First" means the same as "Law and Order" - lets step on 
black  people, take their voting rights, increase police murders, exclude them 
from the  social life of the country, kill Arabs and strengthen white unity. 
The voters  rejected this ideology and voted their pocket books and 
Senator Clinton phony populist appeal to "real hard working Americans" was  
more of the same thing. The American working class, as a class, is evolving 
to a  point where "you cannot talk to us in the same any old way." 
The idea that Obama represents a black face on American imperialism, rather 
 than profound changes that have taken place in American society and the  
structure of capital is more of the same stale white chauvinism, turned 
inside  out.  110 years of non-stooping fighting and dying has forced the 
A  significant amount of blacks and whites, going back to John Brown and 
reverend  Elijah Lovejoy, have fought and died over equality of blacks, as an 
issue of  class. 
Obama being elected means something in the thinking of the American people  
has changed. 
A McCain victory - "Country First" would strengthen the fascist political  
axis of American politics and government. McCain would have extended what is 
 called "The Southern take over of American politics." The social and 
ideological  base of the Republican Party, expressed, as the Bush W. alignment, 
remains the  core states of the old Southern Confederacy. 
The Democratic Party of 2008 was not the Democratic Party of the pre-Civil  
War years. In both periods the Democratic Party expressed a different 
alignment  and correlation of class forces. 
In Clinton and Edwards’s case, had they won, any discussion of socialism  
would have been as a black issue or something needed for the blacks, with the 
 whites needing greater economic opportunity. A black man at the helm 
allows  white America to raise a different set of questions in the ideological 
sphere.  That is why Obama was elected in the first place. In not for his 
impulse the  country would have elected McCain. One must remember that the 
vote  cementing Obama’s victory, was not the blacks but a huge section of  
traditionally conservative Democrats and liberal Republican voters,  
personalities in the autoworkers of the Mid West. This section swung to Obama  
in the past spontaneously swung to the most reactionary and chauvinistic in  
American politics on the basis of the North-South political axis. These are 
the  workers historically supporting George Wallace "Independent" run for 
president.  Michigan was a huge economic, social and political base of 
support for Wallace. 
These workers will swing again. One must determine whose orbit these  
workers are to enter.  When and if these workers are swung to the fascist  pole 
we are taking about another 50 years of reaction. On the scale of history  50 
years is nothing. For me and my children and my grandchildren, 50 years is  
For the voting section of our working class the election of Obama meant,  
"we need someone to help us in our economic plight. Someone different from 
the  historic rabid "race haters" and the Clinton NAFT plan program that have  
destroyed our economic life and communities. OK black guy, you speak pretty 
good  words let see what happens. Can you get me a job because McCain and 
Clinton are  full of crap." 
In layperson terms McCain said we have to tighten up our belts; expand the  
military without the waste, and keep the natives of the world in place. 
Then we  expand democracy ("wink") and wait for the free market to drive the 
riff raft  into poverty and welfare, but most of you good white people are 
going to make  it. Every good white working class family in the Midwest had a 
dinner table  discussion to determine whether or not they still fit into the 
"white bread  category" and the conclusion was "I do not think we make it 
this time." 
Obama said there is a proper role of government in helping the economically 
 distressed sections of the population. The white proletarians of the mid 
west  said, "Look, I do not champion welfare but I think I am going to need 
welfare  the way things going." 
This sentiment along was not enough to defeat McCain. 
McCain was defeated during a rally where an older women said "A’int Obama a 
 Arab or terrorist or something." These were not her exact words but 
America was  repulsed and said, "OK, I have to send by son and daughter to war, 
have no job,  then get called to beat down niggers at home. Then I am called 
to fight the  ni*ger in the Middle East - the ones with sheets on their head, 
and after  military service hope to get a job in a jail or something." 
"Or I can work at 7-11 . . . On the midnight shift to get the shift  
premium. And still not be able to pay the house note and car note." 
Remembering the progression of events and the subtle ideological shifts  
underway is important. 
When the housing market began further collapse, there was a concerted move  
to make this a black issue in the ideological sphere. Predatory lending to  
blacks - (a bunch of little niggers that will not cut their grass),  and  
browns - (a bunch of no speaking English Mexicans who cut their grass 
everyday  but have no money), was said to be problem, rather than historic 
overproduction  of capital, thirty years of falling wages and the absolute 
of free  market economy. 
McCain in office would mean that blacks and browns would be portrayed as  
the national reason for the economic meltdown and consolidated the political  
forces pushing to exclude blacks from the electoral arena, especially in  
Southern states. 
In the Obama era, this old white ideology is forced to the fringe and not  
the top agenda of national media. America has changed. And then changed 
again  when no one was looking. 
This also means one can speak of class, money and the role of government. 
Welfare is emerging as a national issue but could not get a hearing in this 
 country because it has been presented as a black issue since Reagan. As 
long as  poverty is presented as a black thing in the national ideological 
sphere, one  can forget "the class struggle." The era of Obama inaugurates the 
era of the  class struggle. Obama has to put forth a non-racial view from 
the national  Presidential podium. That is what is different. 
Further, much of the national efforts to strip blacks of their voting  
rights were rebuffed by the Obama coalition/campaign. This issue of voting 
 no be equally important to all sections of communism but it is very 
important to  some of us and this need not be discounted. It is better to be 
to vote in  capitalist America than not to be able to vote. It is good to 
vote in every  election to reaffirm that one can still vote. Those who 
advocate boycott of all  bourgeois candidates can find fertile soil amongst the 
majority that do not  vote.
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