The new normal: More than one in five Americans at risk of
By Barry Grey
29 July 2010

More than one in five Americans in 2009 suffered a household
income loss of 25 percent or more over the previous year,
according to a new report sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation
and entitled ?Economic Security at Risk


Raya Dunavevskaya 1979

Lecture 12
Part VII Chapter 25
The Lot of the Working Class
The concluding chapter of this part, The General Law of Capitalist
Accumulation is by far the most basic to the theory of capitalist
development. In reviewing it we must go rather slowly because in the
treatment of the organic composition of capital Marx anticipates the
treatment be accords it in the section on the Declining Rate of Profit
in Volume XII, and thus |a full understanding of this chapter will
help us when we get to that volume.

Of decisive Significance in understanding what is the general law of
accumulation is the recognition that the lot of the working-class is
as integral a part of this law as the organic composition of capital.
This is not ?mere? agitation, but can be expressed in the most precise
technical terms. The organic composition of capital is the
interrelationship between its value composition, or the proportion
between constant and variable capital, and its technical composition,
or the division between means of production and living labor power.

The way this affects the lot of the workers is as follows: ?Production
of surplus value is the absolute law of this mode of production.
Labour-power is only saleable so far as it preserves the means of
production in their capacity of capital, reproduces its own value as
capital and yields in unpaid labour a source of additional capital.?
(p. 678)

Hence a wage rise could never reach the point where it would threaten
the system itself: ?Either the price of labor keeps on rising because
its rise does not interfere with the progress of accumulation...Or, on
the other hand, accumulation slackens in consequence of the rise in
the price of labour, because the stimulus of gain is blunted. The rate
of accumulation lessens; but with the lessening the primary cause of
that lessening vanishes, i.e., the disproportion between capital and
exploitable labour-power. The mechanism of the process of capitalist
production removes the very obstacles that it temporarily creates. The
price of labour falls again to a level corresponding with the needs of
the self-expansion of capital, whether the level be low, the same as,
or above, the one which was normal before the rise of wages took
place.? (pp. 678-9)

Marx summarizes this in the following formulation; ?To put it
mathematically, the rate of accumulation is independent, not the
dependent variable, the rate of wages, the dependent, not the
independent variable,? (p. 679) Or, in other words, the rise of wages
therefore is confined within limits that not only leave intact the
foundations of the capitalist system, but also secure its reproduction
on a progressive scale. The law of capitalist accumulation,
metamorphosed by economists into a pretended law of nature, in reality
merely states that the very nature of accumulation excludes every
diminution in the degree of exploitation of labour, and every rise in
the price of labour, which could seriously imperil the continual
reproduction on an ever enlarging scale, of the capitalistic relation.
It cannot be otherwise in a mode of production in which the labourer
exists to satisfy the needs of self-expansion of existing values,
instead of on the contrary, material wealth existing to satisfy the
needs of development on the part of the labourer. As, in religion, man
is governed by the products of his own brain, so in capitalistic
production he is governed by the products of his own hand.? (pp.

Growth of Constant Capital At the Expense of Variable Capital
Marx now turns his attention to the conditions arising from a change
in the organic composition of capital. The law governing this change
is the progressive increase of constant capital in proportion to
variable capital.(Labor-power or the wage-fund to buy it.)

Accumulation of capital, it is true, means expansion of production and
hence the growth of the working population. However, the demand for
labor comes not from total capital, but only from its variable
component, which is relatively the smaller part. Moreover, the value
of constant capital does not fully reflect the change in the
composition of its material constituents. In order to hire more
workers, not only is a greater wage fund needed but greater investment
in factories, in means of production and raw materials. ?Whereas
formerly an increase in capital by 20 percent would have sufficed to
raise the demand for labour by 30 percent, now this latter rise
requires a tripling of the original capital.? (p. 683)

Marx continues:

?This diminution in the variable part of capital as compared with the
constant, or the altered value composition of the capital, however,
only shows approximately the change in the composition of its material
constituents. If, e.g., the capital-value employed today in spinning
is 7/8 constant and 1/8 variable, whilst at the beginning of the 18th
Century it was 1/2 constant and 1/2 variable, on the other hand, the
mass of raw material, instruments of labour, etc. that a certain
quantity of spinning labour consumes productively today, is many
hundred times greater than at the beginning of the 18th Century. The
reason is simply that, with the increasing productivity of labour, not
only does the mass of the means of production consumed by it increase,
but their value compared to this mass diminishes. Their value
therefore rises absolutely, but not in proportion to their mass.? (p.

Centralization of Capital
Marx now proceeds to analyze the effect of the concentration and
centralization of capital upon the relationship of constant to
variable capital. But, first, he warns that ?The laws of this
centralisation of capitals or of the attraction of capital by capital,
cannot be developed here.? He does not deal with this until he reaches
Volume III. Here he says, ?A brief hint at a few facts must suffice.?
(p. 686) However, what Marx calls a ?brief hint? propounds astounding
problems for the Marxist student. Here is how he develops his brief
hint: ?The battle of competition is fought by cheapening of
commodities. The cheapness of commodities depends, coeteris paribus,
on the productiveness of labour, and this again on the scale of
production. Therefore the larger capitals beat the smaller...

Competition and credit, the two most powerful levers of
centralisation, develop in proportion as capitalist production and
accumulation do... Centralisation may take place by a mere change in
the distribution of already existing capitals, a simple change in the
quantitative arrangement of the components of social capital. Capital
may in that case accumulate in one hand in large masses by withdrawing
it from many individual hands. Centralisation in a certain line of
industry would have reached its extreme limit, if all the individual
capitals invested in it would have been amalgamated into one single
capital."(pp. 686-8) This is trustification. This is the beginning of
the second and the most important change Marx introduced into the
French Edition of CAPITAL.

Moreover, Marx does not stop here since the development of the trust
is only the limit of centralisation of capital in a specific line of
industry. What is the limit of centralization of capital in a given

?This limit,? Marx writes, would not be reached in any particular
society until the entire social capital would be united, either in the
hands of one single capitalist, or in those of one single
corporation.? (p. 688) We have here the prediction of state
capitalism: ?the entire social capital... united either in the hands
of one single capitalist or in those of one single corporation.?

The General Absolute Law of Capitalist Production
The results of this act, continues Marx in this crucial addition to
the French Edition of CAPITAL, has the same results whether
accomplished by ?the violent means of annexation? or ?the smoother
road of forming stock companies.?

The result is of a qualitative character; that is, it so
revolutionises the technical composition of capital that it increases
its constant at the expense of its variable constituent: ?The
specifically capitalist mode of production, the development of the
productive power of labour corresponding to it and the change then
resulting in the organic composition of capital, do not merely keep
pace with the advance of accumulation, or with the growth of social
wealth. They develop to a much quicker rate. If it was originally say
1:1, it now becomes successively 2:1, 3:1, 4:1., 5:1., 7:1., etc...
The labouring population therefore produces, along with the
accumulation of capital produced by it, the means by which it itself
is made relatively superfluous, is turned into a relative surplus
population.? (pp. 690-3)

?The greater the social wealth, the functioning of capital, the extent
and energy of its growth, and therefore also the absolute mass of the
proletariat and the productiveness of labour, the greater is the
industrial reserve army. The same causes which develop the expansive
power of capital, develop also the labour-power at its disposal... But
the greater this reserve army in proportion to the active labour-army.
the greater is the mass of a consolidated surplus population, ...and
the greater is the official pauperism. This absolute general law of
capitalist accumulation.? (p. 707)

This absolute general law dominates over production even when it has
reached its ultimate development through statification. This law of
capitalist accumulation means not only the polarization of wealth, the
alienation of the products of labor from the laborer, but it means the
alienation of his very capacity to labor. Marx?s description of the
capitalist labor process is that it is a process wherein ?all means
for the development of production transform themselves into means of
domination over, and exploitation of, the producers; they mutilate the
laborer into a fragment of a man, degrade him to the level of an
appendage to a machine, destroy every remnant of charm in his work and
turn it into a hated toil; they estrange him from the intellectual
potentialities of the labour-process in the same proportion as science
is incorporated in it as an independent power; they distort the
conditions under which he works, subject him during the labour-process
to a despotism the more hateful for its meanness; they transform his
life-time into working-time, and drag his wife and child beneath the
wheels of the Juggernaut of capital. But all methods for the
production of surplus value are at the same time methods of
accumulation; and every extension of accumulation becomes again a
means for the development of these methods. It follows therefore that
in proportion as capital accumulated, the lot of the labourer, be his
payment high or low, must grow worse. The law, finally, that always
equilibrates the relative surplus-population, or industrial reserve
army, to the extent and energy of accumulation, this law rivets the
labourer to capital more firmly than the wedges of Vulcan did
Prometheus to the rock. It establishes an accumulation of misery,
corresponding with an accumulation of capital. Accumulation of wealth
at one pole is, therefore, at the same time, accumulation of misery,
agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at
the opposite pole. i.e., on the side of the class that produces its
own product in the form of capital.? (pp. 708-9)

1. Define the value-composition, technical composition and the organic
composition of capital.

2. Explain the relation between the law of capitalistic accumulation
and the laborer?s existence ?to satisfy the needs of self-expansion of
existing value.?

3. What is the significance of the proportionate increase of constant
to variable capital?

4. What is the law of the concentration of wealth, of its
centralization? What is the limit of centralisation in a single
industry? What is the limit in a given society? Are these affected by
the ?absolute general law of capitalist production"? What is the
?absolute general law"?

5. What is the relation between accumulation and the reserve army of
labor? What are the different forms of the relative surplus

6. Is the degradation of the worker to an appendage of a machine
dependent upon whether his payment is high or low?

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