Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Toyota and the consequences of the
drive to be the world’s No.1

David McNeill in Toyota City

An unexpected note of poignancy greets visitors to the museum of
the world’s largest car company.  In the cavernous lobby, a lone
trumpet plays the mournful opening bars to Over the Rainbow, a
plea for escape from the dreary, difficult realities of the
present.  The song is performed by Partner Robot, Toyota’s
showcase humanoid robot, on a giant screen that hangs over a
showroom full of the company’s world-beating products, cars that
have become household names: Prius, Lexus, Corolla.

Toyota Museum

It’s unlikely that Asimov’s human minders gave the tune much
thought when they chose it in what were far better times.  Just as
Toyota should have been celebrating ending General Motor’s 76-year
reign as the planet’s largest automaker, it has been battered by a
series of scandals and escalating recalls totaling about 8.5
million cars that have wiped about $23 billion from the company’s
share value.

Amid allegations of Japan-bashing, corporate cover-ups and with
dozens of class-action lawsuits looming and the prospect of
lasting damage to Toyota’s once pristine reputation, the song’s
lyrics seem sadly, eerily appropriate:  “When all the world is a
hopeless jumble, there’s a rainbow highway to be found to a
place…just a step beyond the rain.”

Fortunes in this city of 420,000 people rise and fall on the back
of Toyota’s balance sheet.  About 8-in-10 of the local workforce
are said to depend directly or indirectly on the company’s seven
local factories and thousands of subsidiaries and suppliers.
Toyota is largely responsible for one of the lowest regional
unemployment rates in Japan, and one of its busiest hubs: Nearby
Nagoya Port has for years accounted for about half of the
country's trade surplus.  Locals opted in 1959 to permanently
change the city’s name from Koromo.  Half a century later, many
are fretting about what the future holds.

The main plant in Toyota City

“We rely on Tokyo for over half our business,” says Tamura Yoshie,
a manager in Aunties, a business hotel near the company’s
headquarters.   Like many locals, her life is directly tied to the
town’s namesake: her husband has worked in one of the factories
for 10 years.  “Our business was already 30 percent down because
of the recession, then we all began hearing about the recalls,
which were such a shock,” she continues.  “But a lot of us also
wonder if there is not too much fuss being made.”

That’s not an isolated opinion.  Japan’s mass selling weekly
magazines have waded into the bitter controversy over Toyota’s
mounting problems with accusations that the US press is
exaggerating, and worse.  “America is at war with Toyota,” screams
Shukan Shincho, which accuses US newspapers and TV of playing up
the Japanese carmaker’s problems for political effect.  “Behind
this story is the collapse of General Motors,” it says, and behind
GM is US Transport Secretary Ray LaHood, the United Auto Workers
Union (UAW) and even President Barack Obama, who has taken “almost
no action” to cool down the media feeding frenzy against Toyota –
a company that employs 170,000 American workers, it points out.

America is capitalizing on Toyota’s problems, which are a
distraction from its own, says Hasegawa Yozo, author of Clean Car
Wars: How Toyota and Honda are Winning the Battle of the
Eco-Friendly Motors. “This is not just a problem caused by Toyota
alone.  Largely it is a political issue between Japan and the
United States, an anti-Toyota campaign initially sparked by US

The left-leaning Shukan Kinyoubi magazine – no friend of Toyota –
partly agrees, pointing out the closeness of the Democrats and the
United Autoworkers Union, and the fact that Toyota built most of
its factories in the Republican South.  Like many Japanese
commentators, it has been struck by the vitriol poured on Toyota,
and wonders if the power play between Republicans and Democrats
isn’t a major factor.

Few at Toyota will openly back those claims, but off the record,
sources close to the company agree.  “I think there has been a
fair dose of bewilderment at the way things have spun out of
control,” said one, speaking anonymously. “A lot of people here
think we have done everything by the book.  There is that sense
that problems are being created where there are none.”  As
evidence, he cites brake problems in the Prius.  “One of our
executives said very clearly that the braking in the Prius meets
Japanese performance standards – period.”

Independent analysts scoff, however, at Toyota’s claims that it is
the victim of a stateside witch-hunt.   “Toyota has this massive
arrogance and they cloak it with false humility and top it with
this halo of quality,” says John Harris, a Japan-based
communications consultant to the car industry.  “They just don’t
get what this is about.  They dragged their feet and covered up
their problems.  They saw the chance to get the world’s top spot
and they took it, but there has been a price.”

Harris believes Toyota grew too big too fast, and lost control
over its key selling point: quality – an analysis basically
conceded by Toyota President Toyoda Akio during his testimony to
Congress on February 24. The museum trumpets the company’s
phenomenal two-decade expansion, pointing out that it now makes
autos in “26 countries and regions around the world,” including
688,000 a year in Europe.  Cars are just part of a growing
multinational portfolio that includes homes, boats, industrial
robots, biotechnology and financial services. “Severe economic
difficulties” forced the company to pull out of Formula One racing
last November.

2009 Prius

“In manufacturing, you can have good, quick and cheap, but you
can’t have all three,” continues Harris.  “Toyota tried to have
all three.  They were cutting costs faster and harder than other
car companies, while bringing in new plant and people.  Expansion
and cost cutting puts a strain on any organization.  Something was
bound to give.”

Japanese unions accept that conclusion.   “The current recall is
the result of Toyota's ‘profiteerism’ and expansion,” says union
official Wakatsuki Tadao, quoted in the Kinyoubi article.  Toyota
then stalled when faced with inevitable complaints about its cars,
including problems with the steering system in the Corolla, which
came to light in May 2009. “After numerous recall incidents the
union demanded that the company improve and rectify itself, but we
never received a response.”

Employees say Toyota’s enthusiasm for cutting costs grew after the
shock waves from the Lehman Brothers collapse hit over a year ago.
 Lines were shut down and contract workers, including many from
abroad, were sacked leaving a pared-down workforce of full-time
employees.  “They’ve closed shop,” said one company insider, who
requested anonymity.  “They got rid of all the little people and
told everyone to tighten their belts.  You can’t even make a color
copy in the offices now because it wastes paper.”

Toyota itself boasts about its success in trimming costs,
including a project called Construction of Cost Competitiveness
for the 21st Century, launched in July 2000, which aims to slash
the price of about 170 components that “account for 90% of our
total component purchasing costs.”  According to Kinyoubi, unions
demanded revisions to this plan but were ignored.

The pressures of globalization and the company’s determination to
overtake GM eroded the very qualities that helped make it
successful: the efficiency and loyalty of its suppliers and the
thousands of smaller companies that labor in its shadow.   Stories
of how Toyota relentlessly drove its suppliers to cut prices, and
sometimes even out of business, are legion around the company’s
heartland.   One supplier, Sankyo Seiko in the industrial town of
Kariya, did the unthinkable in January when its owner Moewaki
Teruo, went on TV to publicly say he would no longer take orders
from the car giant.   “Toyota said we were all one big family,” he
told The New York Times.  “But now they are betraying us.”

Like many large Japanese corporations, however, Toyota can still
call on extraordinary levels of loyalty and sacrifice from its
staff in times of crisis.  Existing plant workers have been asked
to return for second shifts to make up for staff shortages and
managers work up to 120 hours unpaid overtime a month, while being
forced to shoulder a 20-percent cut to their all-important yearly
bonuses.  “There’s a lot of unhappiness,” said the source.  “They
work so hard, then this story breaks in America. They get up in
the morning and see CNN killing them on TV.”

Toyota assembly line

Toyota has moved quickly to head off those damaging media claims,
promising on-site US inspections within 24-hours of any reported
car problems, appointing a hit squad of quality officers to each
production region, and installing new technology to cut engine
power when the brake and accelerator are simultaneously applied –
a response to claims that sticking accelerator problems led to
several deaths in the US.   But almost as soon as they put out one
fire, another breaks out; in February came new revelations that
inspectors from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
visited Toyota late last year to warn the company of stateside
safety rules – and were ignored.  Toyota bosses “were dragging
things out, and we’d had it,” a senior American transportation
official told The New York Times.  Says Harris: “It was very
unusual for NHTSA officials to come to Japan.  The charitable view
of that episode was that Toyota was not proactive, or that it was
slow to react; the uncharitable view is that it was covering
things up.”

Still suspicion lingers in Japan that the controversy is as much
political as technological.  With US by-elections looming,
politicians there “are rushing to get in their two-cents worth
about the recalls,” laments the liberal-left Asahi newspaper,
which adds that the battle to save the company’s reputation has
recruited some unusual allies.  Governors of four states that host
Toyota plants have sent letters to Congress defending the automaker.

Around Toyota City, there is resentment at the recent coverage of
its namesake.  Many are quick to point out that US rival Ford,
which posted a 24-percent US sales increase in January, has a far
worse safety record - over 20 million vehicle recalls, including
7.6 million in 1996 alone.   Less than two years ago, the city
marked Toyota’s passing of General Motors, an event mourned by The
New York Times, which called it “another milestone in America’s
long decline from unchallenged industrial preeminence.”

Now the fear is that the best may be gone.  Perhaps Toyota’s
quality issues are emblematic of the entire country’s declining
fortunes, and the fraying of the social contract that sustained
postwar Japanese capitalism. “We started with nothing after the
war and fought hard to get to the top,” said the owner of a cake
shop near the company’s factories.  “People seem to be forgetting
that struggle today and are letting things slip.”

Pride in the achievements of the company with which it has become
synonymous is still strong.  Crime is low, the streets are
pristine and though the recession has hit many local businesses,
few shops have visibly shuttered.  Unlike the hucksterism of its
Detroit rivals, the atmosphere is low key: Toyota Motors
headquarters squats in the center of a sprawling complex of
nondescript factories and office blocks, its tiny logo barely
visible in the orderly urban landscape that has grown around it.

The only sign of corporate paranoia is the security guards outside
the company’s plants who wave away photographers and even attempt
to confiscate pictures.   Inside the HQ, Toyota’s spokespeople
have been instructed to batten down the hatches and ignore media
requests for comment.  “Executives are doing most of the talking
now,” said one source.  That leaves analysts to speculate if the
company will ever bounce back from the worst crisis in its history.

“The worst case scenario is that Toyota is looking at a lost
generation of foreign buyers,” warns Ashvin Chotai, director of
the consultancy firm Intelligence Automotive Asia.  “Already we’re
seeing the resale values of their cars dropping.  If these
revelations keep coming and the Toyota PR machinery continues to
be sluggish, almost amateurish, it risks becoming an ordinary
company.”  But he adds that Toyota is still a technological
frontrunner, and the only carmaker with an AA credit rating.
“They still have the ability to recover.”

Hasegawa says that recovery depends on “whether American opinion
calms down - perhaps if the media finds another target.  In the
meantime, he believes the company will go back to basics –
shifting from expansion back to maintaining quality.  “It will
wait for things to settle down, and then it will be back.
Definitely.”  But some visitors to the museum had their doubts.
“Maybe if they stick to making cars instead of violin-playing
robots,” said one.

David McNeill writes for The Independent and other publications,
including The Irish Times and The Chronicle of Higher Education.
He is an Asia-Pacific Journal coordinator. This is a revised and
expanded version of an article that appeared in The Independent
newspaper on February 20, 2010. Sabine Brink contributed to this

Recommended citation: David McNeill, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow:
Toyota and the consequences of the drive to be the world’s No.1,"
The Asia-Pacific Journal, 9-2-10, March 1, 2010.

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