Whither the family 

Charles Brown marxism-thaxis <mailto:marxism-thaxis> 
Sat, 06 Nov 1999 11:23:43 -0500 

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So only the great men of history, who have the time to study rather than
work, can make the revolution? The working class is limited to trade union
consciousness not from any lack of will but because they can't put aside
eight hours a day for study of marxist texts? I've been accused of arrogance
before, and sometimes probably rightly, but this is breathtaking. The road
to science is a long and hard one, yes: but I don't have to recapitulate the
works of Faraday, Maxwell and the like every time I switch on a kettle, or
even if I want to make one: the work has been done, and
besides the advance of understanding of the world generally would make the
understanding of a kettle a trivial thing even if it did not yet exist. In
the same way The socialist works which it took literally lifetimes to
produce can be understood with reasonable facility, just as a builder does
not need Pythagoras to use the 3 4 5 triangle rule. 


Charles: And I think Marx himself said in some way that he was a dwarf
standing on the shoulders of giants. An important dimension to the
accumulation of human knowledge is that later generations do not have to
repeat the whole climb up the steep mountain that previous generations made,
but can shortcut some the prior steps and therefore go further than the
past. In fact, at a basic level every parent generation seeks to teach its
children generation based on its learning from hardknocks so that the
children generation does not have to go through those same hardknocks, so
that it can learn theoretcially what the parents learned practically. The
tradition of Marxism must be able to convey the substance of Marx, Engels,
Lenin and the experiences of actual socialism in a concentrated and synoptic
form to the new generations of Marxism so that they can build on the
tradition without starting from scratch. The proverbial thought is we
shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel every generation.


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