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Date: Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 9:56 AM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-Genocide]: Grosse-Sommer on Rosen, 'The
Holocaust's Jewish Calendars: Keeping Time Sacred, Making Time Holy'
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Alan Rosen.  The Holocaust's Jewish Calendars: Keeping Time Sacred,
Making Time Holy.  Jewish Literature and Culture Series. Bloomington
Indiana University Press, 2019.  Illustrations. xv + 251 pp.  $14.99
(e-book), ISBN 978-0-253-03830-2; $80.00 (cloth), ISBN
978-0-253-03826-5; $35.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-253-03827-2.

Reviewed by Katja Grosse-Sommer (Hamburg University)
Published on H-Genocide (January, 2021)
Commissioned by Ugur Ümit Üngör

Alan Rosen's volume on wartime Jewish calendars adds a fascinating
contribution to the historiographical scholarship on a "temporal
turn," particularly research focused on experiences of time during
war.[1] A qualitative study, Rosen's book presents forty calendars
produced during the Holocaust, divergent in form, authorship,
circumstances of creation, circulation, and postwar preservation. For
the author, these artifacts show "Jewish time and culture as an
important facet of the Jewish Holocaust victim's wartime experience"
(p. 226). Rosen's novel contribution specifically lies in his
assertion that Jewish calendars created during World War II attest to
the Jewish attempt to create a _continuity_ of time. This stands in
contrast to previous scholarship, which attempts to understand the
Holocaust as a historical rupture--an event of such momentous
upheaval that it severs Jews' link between past and future, thereby
disrupting the experience of continuous time.[2]

The forty "wartime calendars" presented in Rosen's book are sourced
from the collections of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Yad Vashem, the Ghetto Fighters' Museum, the Polish State Archives,
and the Jewish Museum of Prague, as well as private collections.
Geographically, the calendars were produced or were circulated in
Germany, occupied Poland, Netherlands, France, and Belgium. The
"Jewish" calendars studied by Rosen, most often in pocket form, have
as their common feature their marking of time by the lunisolar Jewish
calendar, for the most part alongside the Gregorian calendar. Weeks,
months, and years are graphically differentiated in the cyclical
rotation between the sacred and profane, essential for observant
Jewish practice.

The first chapter outlines the use of Jewish calendars in prewar
Europe, "a taken-for-granted aspect of Jewish life" until World War
II (p. 24). The following three chapters present wartime calendars,
grouped by their places of creation: wartime ghettos, concentration
camps, and in hiding. Rosen points out not only the challenges faced
by material scarcity during the war but also the difficulty, even for
those well-versed in religious teachings, of re-creating from scratch
an accurate Jewish calendar. Throughout, Rosen provides historical
context and detailed descriptions, as well as photographic
reproductions of fifteen calendars. He attempts to trace the
conditions of the calendars' creation and afterlife, though much
remains open to speculation due to lack of information. Rosen's fifth
chapter merges his study of calendars with diary writing as a
practice of individual structuring of time, showing entries dated
according to the Jewish calendar. The sixth chapter, in line with
Rosen's focus on Orthodox Jewish calendars throughout the volume,
presents a calendar-book created by the founder of the Chabad
movement, Rabbi Menachem Schneersohn, in New York City in 1943.

The diversity of Rosen's sources makes a comparative approach
daunting. His case studies include calendars produced under
conditions relatively favorable to religious practice, such as the
one composed by Rabbi Yisrael Simcha Zelman, interned in the Dutch
transit camp of Westerbork. Charting the year 5704 (1943-44), it
apparently circulated in numerous copies in typed form. This
possibility, to a certain extent, of communal religious practice
stands in stark contrast to those calendars whose form evidence the
restrictive conditions of their creation and use. Pointing to the
wartime scarcity of material resources, a "recycled" calendar by an
unknown author marks in pencil the Jewish year of 5704 (1944) in the
margins of a Polish pocket calendar printed for the year 1939. It
includes holidays, Rosh Chodesh, and Torah portions, which stand in
contrast to the Christian holidays marked in the printed calendar.

Rosen's book, overall, serves as a detailed study of Jewish calendars
in their form and substance to show a "distinctive manner of
organizing time" (p. 16). His is a well-written and immersive
contribution to Jewish experience during the Holocaust as well as the
study of temporality generally, illuminating Jewish calendars as
attempts to structure time. For the reader fluent in their cultural
language, they reveal a plethora about strategies of attempted
continuity of communal religious practice. Though of little value in
Rosen's present work, a detailed study of "calendars without memory,"
wartime calendars that map time exclusively by Gregorian counting,
could point to strategies of structuring and experiencing time for
secular Jews during World War II (p. 111).

Underlying Rosen's work, then, is an appeal to scholars of the
Holocaust to increase their fluency in Jewish sources, though he
himself provides a glossary of terms as well as detailed explanations
of the Jewish time cycle. After all, Rosen writes, those studying
this time period learn "more about the significance of the Jewish
calendar during the Holocaust--even about the very existence of a
Jewish calendar--from the enemy's manipulations of it than from the
Jews' dedication to it" (p. 4). Familiarity with the religious and
cultural background of one's subjects of study can only serve to
increase our understanding of testimonies and documents and the
individual narratives within, creating a fuller picture of
individuality and agency during genocide.


[1]. For example, Mary Dudziak, _War Time: An Idea, Its History, Its
Consequences _(New York: Oxford University Press, 2012); or newly
established research groups, such as the Gewalt-Zeiten project at the
University of Hamburg, 2020-23, which focuses on temporalities in
episodes of collective violence.

[2]. For example, see Barbara Engelking-Boni, _Holocaust and Memory:
The Experience of the Holocaust and Its Consequences; An
Investigation Based on Personal Narratives_, trans. Gunnar S.
Paulsson_ _(London: Leicester University Press, 2001).

Citation: Katja Grosse-Sommer. Review of Rosen, Alan, _The
Holocaust's Jewish Calendars: Keeping Time Sacred, Making Time Holy_.
H-Genocide, H-Net Reviews. January, 2021.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=56105

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart

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