small half and one litre water bottles - bisleri, acqua fina and many
brands are common to see in all our meetings and events. The bottled water
industry is a big threat to both water supply and plastic pollution. Let us
carry water in (steel/metal) bottles with us and avoid buying bottled water

pl read article below...


source -
Monday, 25 April 2016 00:00 By Alexis Bonogofsky, Truthout | Report

Donna Diehl, a 55-year-old school bus driver from Kunkeltown, Pennsylvania,
a small historic town located on the edge of the Poconos, wanted to do
three things this year: drive the bus, paint her bathroom and learn to
crochet. Instead, Diehl, along with dozens of her neighbors, is spending
her time trying to stop the largest food and beverage corporation in the
world from taking her community's water, putting it in bottles and selling
it for a massive profit.

Kunkeltown, Pennsylvania. (Photo: Shaun Mullins)Kunkeltown, Pennsylvania.
(Photo: Shaun Mullins)

Nestlé Waters, the North American subsidiary of the Swiss-owned Nestlé
Corporation, had been active in Kunkeltown for years, conducting well
testing on a privately owned property adjacent to Diehl's home. Last
summer, residents noticed Nestlé had rented an office in the local
community center. Word spread, and with some investigation, Diehl and her
neighbors found out that the transnational corporation had been active in
the community as early as 2012, testing water quality and quantity with the
ultimate goal of constructing and operating a bulk water extraction
"One of the things that opened my eyes was the amount of profit for Nestlé.
It's unreal."

In the permit application that Nestlé Waters filed with the Township, it
states the company is proposing to drill two large wells, pump 200,000
gallons of water per day from the aquifer, put it in trucks and transfer it
to an existing bottling facility near Allentown, about 20 miles away. It
expects 60 truck trips through the town per day. And Nestlé isn't going
away anytime soon: It plans to pump for 10 years with an option to continue
pumping for an additional 15 years, leading to the removal of 73 million
gallons of water from the aquifer over the life of the wells.

Concerned residents dove into their local township files and found out that
in May 2014, an ordinance was surreptitiously changed in the Eldred
Township zoning rules to allow bulk water extraction to occur in a
commercial zone. That small, but important rule change opened the gate for
Nestlé to submit a permit application for bulk water extraction, which,
before May 2014, was explicitly illegal in places zoned for commercial use.

Don Moore, an engineer who maintains a blog where he documents, in great
detail, the fight to keep Nestlé out of Kunkeltown, couldn't believe what
he was reading.

"One of the things that opened my eyes was the amount of profit for Nestlé.
To take all this water and hardly any cost. It's unreal," he said.

Diehl organized a community meeting, which took place in her backyard, with
about 25 people.

"We knew we had to stop it, but at the time, we didn't know how," Diehl
told Truthout.

Global Water Scarcity on the Rise

Kunkeltown residents' effort to keep Nestlé out of their community is not
an isolated or parochial fight. Nestlé, which has the largest share of the
bottled water market in the United States, is looking to secure and
privatize water resources in the US and around the world.

According to data from the United Nations, around 1.2 billion people, or
almost one-fifth of the world's population, live in areas of physical water
scarcity, and 500 million people are approaching this situation. Another
1.6 billion people, or almost one-quarter of the world's population, face
economic water shortages.
"Companies like Nestlé don't see this situation as a public health crisis.
They see it as a business opportunity."

Exacerbating this scarcity are the real and devastating impacts of climate
change. The number and severity of droughts caused by climate change are
intensifying across the globe and the United States. As of April 7, 37
percent of the United States was experiencing at least moderate drought.
These droughts are causing people to draw more and more from groundwater,
which the US Geological Survey has found to be declining nationwide.

To make matters worse, governments are not investing enough in public water
infrastructure. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the
nation's drinking water utilities need $384.2 billion in infrastructure
investments over the next 20 years for thousands of miles of pipe as well
as thousands of treatment plants and storage tanks to ensure the public
health. Consequences of this inadequate investment have been seen in recent
high-profile public health crises in Flint, Michigan, and the New Jersey
public schools. Internationally, the UN finds that investment in public
water systems and infrastructure is at an all-time low.

John Stewart, deputy campaigns director for Corporate Accountability
International, sees the intersection of water scarcity, climate change and
decreased investment in public water infrastructure as a perfect storm for
corporations to move in, privatize the water and profit from a shared

"Companies like Nestlé don't see this situation as a public health crisis.
They see it as a business opportunity," Stewart told Truthout.

Bottled Water Is Big and Getting Bigger

Bottled water is big business. According to the International Bottled Water
Association, the leading industry lobbying group, in 2013, Americans drank
over 10 billion gallons of bottled water, generating $12.3 billion in
revenue for beverage companies. This amount was more than double the
revenue recorded in 2000. Americans spent $18.82 billion in 2014 purchasing
what comes, basically free, out of the tap.

Internationally, bottled water consumption is estimated to have neared 70.4
billion gallons in 2013, according to data from the latest edition of
Beverage Marketing's report "The Global Bottled Water Market." Consumption
increased 6 percent in one year and is projected to grow. In fact, the
International Bottled Water Association predicts the largest growth in
bottled water to be in poor countries, where access to safe and clean water
is not necessarily a given, and public water infrastructure is severely

Environmental impacts of bottled water are well documented. Millions of
barrels of oil are used each year to produce the plastic containers, and
Americans alone throw away over 60 million plastic bottles, which end up in
landfills, each day. In addition, for every liter of bottled water
produced, it takes three liters of water to produce it.
"Privatizing and bottling water isn't a solution for securing access to
clean water. Clean water is a human right."

Among the companies that sell bottled water, Nestlé is the biggest, owning
52 different brands of bottled water internationally and controlling 40
water extraction sources in North America alone. The company, which owns
brands such as Arrowhead, Deer Park, Poland Springs and Ice Mountain, pumps
billions of gallons of water out of the ground each year, and pays very
little for actual water besides its leases to private landowners. Then it
charges up to 2,000 times more for that water than it would cost just to
turn on the tap. The company couples its low overhead with highly
sophisticated marketing and public relations campaigns to convince people
that bottled water is safer and better tasting than tap water. Meanwhile,
the company uses names and images that suggest the water is from a pure,
untouched mountain spring, when in many cases it comes directly from a
municipal water source, and its sales and profits keep going up.

Stewart, who monitors Nestlé's activities nationwide, finds that its
playbook is the same in every community they target for industrial water

"They identify small, rural communities, many times economically depressed,
that they think they can roll over and who they think might be susceptible
to promises of jobs and tax revenue," he said.

Communities Are Fighting Back and Winning

However, in many parts of the country, targeted communities are resisting
domination by Nestlé. In McCloud, California, town leaders signed a 50-year
agreement in which Nestlé would pay one sixty-fourth of a cent for a gallon
of water and then turn around and sell it for more than $1 per gallon.
Residents fought a six-year battle to have that agreement thrown out and
eventually won in 2009.

Residents of Wacissa, Florida, have also successfully fended off the
company with a sustained grassroots organizing effort, along with passing a
local ordinance that would require any bottling operation to be approved by
four out of the five county commissioners.

In California, which is experiencing severe drought, an investigation by
The Desert Sun found that Nestlé has been drawing water from the San
Bernardino National Forest -- 36 million gallons last year alone -- using a
permit that expired in 1988. The Sun also found that the company was only
charged an annual permit fee of $524.
"Nestlé is trying to break us, but I'm absolutely optimistic that we'll

Corporate Accountability International, The Story of Stuff and the Center
for Biological Diversity sued the Forest Service in October 2015, making
the argument that the agency has violated the law by allowing Nestlé to
take water without a valid permit and that their water removal threatens
sensitive habitat. In response to the lawsuit, San Bernardino National
Forest is proposing to issue Nestlé a five-year permit after conducting an
environmental analysis of the operations and its effects on the forest.
Nestlé is allowed to keep operating during the study, which could take up
to two years to complete. The groups are moving forward with the litigation.

Meanwhile, 1,000 miles north of San Bernardino National Forest, the
residents of Cascade Locks, Oregon, are trying to stop Nestlé from opening
its first bottling plant in the Northwest. They have organized a ballot
measure to put in front of voters this May, which, if it passes, will
prohibit bottled water operations in Hood River County.

Stiv Wilson, director of campaigns from The Story of Stuff -- a nonprofit
organization that coalesced around a 20-minute movie about the way we
produce and throw away all of the material objects in our lives -- is
working to help Cascade Locks activists and communities all over connect
the dots and build solidarity.

"No community needs to start at square one," Wilson said. "We know how to
fight back and we know how Nestlé works."

The communities who are in Nestlé's sights are not only working to protect
their local watersheds, but also are on the front lines of the ideological
battle of what water is. Is it a commodity to be sold on the global
marketplace or a public good that all humans have a right to?

"Privatizing and bottling water isn't a solution for securing access to
clean water," Wilson said. "Clean water is a human right."

Wilson finds that Nestlé understands what governments seem not to -- that
clean and accessible water is the most important resource in the world.
They are trying to secure the rights to it, one small, rural community at a

The Water Wars in Kunkeltown

Back in Kunkeltown, residents have organized and fought back hard against
Nestlé's attempts to move in. And, from all accounts, they are winning.

Once they realized what was happening, the residents formed an informal
community group to fight Nestlé, and five of those residents retained a
lawyer. On December 17, 2015, Diehl and four others filed a lawsuit against
the Eldred Township Board of Supervisors alleging the area's zoning rules
were surreptitiously and unlawfully changed. In January 2016, 120 residents
and one business submitted a petition to intervene on behalf of the five
plaintiffs, solidifying community support of their actions.

On February 18, 2016, the Eldred Township Planning Commission, which serves
in an advisory role to the Zoning Board, held a public meeting, with Nestlé
representatives and attorneys in attendance to present on the project and
answer questions. During the four-hour, often contentious meeting, people
stood up and directly challenged Nestlé and their actions leading up to
that moment.

"I go door-to-door in this community, 98 percent of the people are against
it. Most of the people in this community are dead set against it," Desiree
McGuire said. "Why didn't you find that out before you decided to extract
your water?"

Desiree McGuire speaks at the Eldred Township Planning Commission public
hearing on February 18, 2016, in Pennsylvania. (Image: YouTube video of
hearing)Desiree McGuire speaks at the Eldred Township Planning Commission
public hearing on February 18, 2016, in Pennsylvania. (Image: YouTube video
of hearing)

In March 2016, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend that
the Eldred Township Zoning Board outright deny Nestlé's application. In a
24-page letter to the Zoning Board, the Commission stated:

    The eleventh hour amendment to the 2014 Eldred Township Zoning
Ordinance that changed waterextraction froman industry use to a
manufacturing, light use was not the result of proper planning, but instead
the efforts of a few, limited interested parties.

Among the litany of reasons for which the Commission recommended denial, it
cited the fact that Nestlé's test wells diminished the flow of a nearby
stream by 12 percent and resulted in a drop of two wells on adjacent
properties. It also emphasized the impact of the public opposition to the
project. The Commission's document stated:

    It should be initially noted that public comment at the Planning
Commission's public meetings on Nestlé's application was unanimously, and
vociferously, in opposition to the Project, and its expected negative
impact on current and future uses in the Township and the desirability of
residing and doing business in the Township. The Planning Commission places
great weight [on] the public comment that was received, and believes it is
representative of general public sentiment in the Township on the Project.

The Zoning Board has yet to make a decision on whether to grant Nestlé a
permit and is going through the process of interviewing experts but locals
are hopeful that it will make the right decision, and if it doesn't, they
are certain their legal challenge will succeed.

"We have wonderful water here and we will protect it. Nestlé is trying to
break us," Diehl told Truthout. "But I'm absolutely optimistic that we'll
Copyright, Truthout. May not be reprinted without permission.
Alexis Bonogofsky

Alexis Bonogofsky is a fourth generation Montanan, rancher and anti-coal
organizer who was featured in the recent climate change documentary This
Changes Everything. In 2014, she was awarded a Cultural Freedom Fellowship
from the Lannan Foundation.

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