> "Volker" == Volker Lorrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Volker> Hi guys, how can i tell matplotlib to only show the xgrid
Volker> (grid without y -lines ;) ) I´ve searched and googled a
Volker> lot. But i can´t find a solution.
You should be able to toggle the grid separately wi
- axes (understand, subplot) have a "is_last_row" method
you can use that to draw ticks on the bottom axis only
- for the legend, try to use the "legend" command of the figure
(something like gcf().legend()
Using Tomcat bu
Volker Lorrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> how can i tell matplotlib to only show the xgrid (grid without y -lines
setp(gca().get_ygridlines(), visible=False)
Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to suppo
Hi guys,
how can i tell matplotlib to only show the xgrid (grid without y -lines
;) )
I´ve searched and googled a lot. But i can´t find a solution.
Many Thanks
Volker Lorrmann
Universität Würzburg
Experimentelle Physik 6
Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg
Hi,To remove the ticklabels, you could do it with something like[ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) for ax in f.axes[:-1]]David2006/9/14, Jose Gomez-Dans <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:Hi!I am coding a little application that shows a number of subplots (of
the 511, 512...515 type) stacked up. They all have the same
I am coding a little application that shows a number of subplots (of
the 511, 512...515 type) stacked up. They all have the same x-axis,
and I want them to only have the xticks labels on the downward most
axes. The subplots are defined in a matplotlib.figure.Figure object,
and have been created
Please ignore me - first I tried combining all sorts of \bfs and \its, but a
simple \emph does the work for now.
On Thursday 14 September 2006 11:35, Christian Meesters wrote:
> Hoi,
> I'm trying to set a label in a plot in bold and italics. Is there some way
> to achieve this in matp
I'm trying to set a label in a plot in bold and italics. Is there some way to
achieve this in matplotlib? How would I need to modify the \?? part here:
pylab.text(p[0],p[1],r'$\??{%s}$' % labels[i].replace(' ','\ '),fontsize=14)