[Matplotlib-users] problem using subplots with ion()

2009-07-16 Thread Louise Loudermilk
Hi. I am trying to output multiple 2D graphs (subplots) in one figure (using pylab) for each time-step that the python code runs - basically an interactive graphs. We use the 'ion()' and 'imshow()' functions for this. I have many graphs to chose from, but say if I chose 4 graphs to output, all 4

[Matplotlib-users] Problems with GTK2 on win32 system

2009-07-16 Thread Domenico Nappo
Hi all, I've installed environment following this installation instructions: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/installing.html I had already installed GTK 2 and PyGTK the day before (the most recent versions) and then installed last version of numpy, matplotlib and ipython. Everything was o

Re: [Matplotlib-users] centering axis ticks labels

2009-07-16 Thread Johann Cohen-Tanugi
hi there, I stumbled into yet another problem, see script attached. Now there are 10 pixels and 10 label values on each axis, but I get only half the ticks, and as a result half the labels get discarded... How can I specify the number of ticks it uses? Note that I could use plt.pcolor(np.array(E

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Cannot build matplot on OS X: libfreetype.dylib and libiconv.2.dylib are not of the right architecture

2009-07-16 Thread Michael Lerner
Hi all, I tried this again with a clean checkout from svn: svn co https://matplotlib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/matplotlib/trunk/matplotlibmatplotlib (checks out revision 7262) cd matplotlib/release/osx/ unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH make fetch_deps cd bdist_mpkg-0.4.3 sudo python setup.py install cd ..

[Matplotlib-users] Problems with autofmt_xdate()

2009-07-16 Thread Domenico Nappo
Whenever I try to use autofmt_xdate() on a Figure(), dates on x axis disappear...I guess this is related with something concerning font management... Anyone experienced this kind of issues? I use most recent versions of matplotlib, numpy, gtk2, pygtk on a Python 2.5 platform (installed via binarie

Re: [Matplotlib-users] strange contour plot

2009-07-16 Thread Michael Droettboom
You might be running into one of the path simplification bugs in the 0.98.x series. Have you tried with the rcParam path.simplify turned off? If you can sent me a self contained script and data off-list, I can test this against the SVN version to see if this has already been addressed. Cheer

Re: [Matplotlib-users] strange contour plot

2009-07-16 Thread Michael Droettboom
It looks like this bug has been fixed on the SVN trunk. Unfortunately, these changes were pretty major surgery, so they don't easily apply to 0.98.5.x. Unfortunately, for the time being, it looks like you'll need to wait until the next release, or compile matplotlib from SVN yourself. I have

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dynamically add subplots to figure

2009-07-16 Thread Tom Vaughan
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 07:33, John Hunter wrote: > On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Tom Vaughan wrote: >> Is it possible to add subplots to a figure if I don't know in advance >> how many subplots I need to add? >> >> What I do now is I call add_subplot like add_subplot(i, 1, i) where i >> is 1 ini

[Matplotlib-users] [OT] Question about the SVN repo

2009-07-16 Thread Gökhan SEVER
Hello, I have a little of the topic question. We have a project ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/) setup in SF using the CVS. There when I look at the code submit logs: for instance: gsever committed patchset 219

Re: [Matplotlib-users] dynamically add subplots to figure

2009-07-16 Thread Jae-Joon Lee
One work around is to call self.figure.subplots_adjust() after geometry changed. After this call, the twinx-ed axes will have the same axes position as the original one. Another option is to use mpl_toolkits.axes_grid (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid/users/overview.htm

Re: [Matplotlib-users] strange contour plot

2009-07-16 Thread Michael Droettboom
This is caused by an interaction between antialiasing and filled areas with perfectly aligned edges. Both Agg and Cairo suffer from this "problem". There has been a discussion on the devel a few times about ways around it, none of which have really panned out, if I recall correctly. Though t

[Matplotlib-users] formatting help with legend for stacked bar graph with many categories

2009-07-16 Thread Chuck Pepe-Ranney
Hello Users, I need some help with formatting a legend for a stacked bar graph. Each bar is segmented into ~35 categories so my legend ends up being a long mess overlapping my plot. How can I position my legend outside of the plot and reduce the spacing and fontsize for the text? Thanks, - Chu

[Matplotlib-users] grouping several line types together in legend of plots

2009-07-16 Thread per freem
hi all, suppose i have am plotting several lines using 'plot', some are dashed (using '--') and some are ordinary solid lines. i am plotting several solid and several dashed lines, all in different colors, as in: for n in num_lines: # plot dashed line plot(line_x[n], line_y[n], '--', color=li

[Matplotlib-users] Build issue under windows

2009-07-16 Thread william ratcliff
I have recently been trying to build matplotlib from source under Vista using mingw32. I have downloaded the win32static library from the matplotlib page. Here is the error: writing build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\src\ft2font.def c:\Program Files\pythonxy\mingw\bin\g++.exe -mno-cygwin -mdll -static