Re: [Matplotlib-users] Any update on streamline plot

2011-02-13 Thread Tom Flannaghan
Hi, I've written a script to roughly emulate the elegant streamline plots found in Mathematica. The code is available at and example plots at and streamlines2.png. It's a pre

[Matplotlib-users] Checking if figure is on screen

2011-02-13 Thread Bartosz Telenczuk
Hi, I am writting an application in which I update dynamically the state of the figures. When I am done I call the Figure.canvas.draw function to redraw the figure. However, when the window was previously closed by the user the update can be skipped. Is there a way to tell from a figure han

Re: [Matplotlib-users] yellow green blue colormap

2011-02-13 Thread Daniel Hyams
I don't know of a colormap like that, but you can build one pretty easily by just finding the hex codes for the colors you want, and then doing this: mycm = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("my_new_colormap",["#58c5cc","#5cc0a4","#34842f","#b3de1d"])