
firstly, I do not fully understand why you have chosen such a complicated
solution to a rather simple problem. If the data in your file really is like
the example then you could simply put the file 'ch1.csv' into the same
directory as your Python script.

I have slightly modified it (I don't like the "from" import statements too
much) and commented your lines.

#from matplotlib import mlab

#from pylab import figure, show

#import matplotlib.cbook as cbook

import pylab

#datafile = cbook.get_sample_data('ch1.csv', asfileobj=False)

datafile = 'ch1.csv'

print 'loading', datafile

#a = mlab.csv2rec(datafile)

a = pylab.loadtxt(datafile, comments='#', delimiter=';')


print a.dtype

fig = pylab.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

#ax.plot(a.date, a.adj_close, '-')


ax.plot(a, 'o')


I hope it helps, let me know wether you need a different approach!
2011/5/25 Karthikraja Velmurugan <velmurugan.karthikr...@gmail.com>

>  Hello friends,
> I am a newbee to matplotlib and I am trying to plot (scatter plot) some
> values. The data is quite big and I have them in a CSV file. For a starter I
> thought I will use *loadrec.py* example to see if I am able to import the
> data from the CSV file. The loadrec.py goes like this:
> from matplotlib import mlab
> from pylab import figure, show
> import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
> datafile = cbook.get_sample_data('msft.csv', asfileobj=False)
> print 'loading', datafile
> a = mlab.csv2rec(datafile)
> a.sort()
> print a.dtype
> fig = figure()
> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
> ax.plot(a.date, a.adj_close, '-')
> fig.autofmt_xdate()
>  I believe, for the CSV file to be accessed, it has to be placed in the *
> sample_data* folder (for windows). So I placed my csv file in the
> sample_data folder and ran the script.
> The output was
> *Traceback (most recent call last):*
> *  File "C:\Python26\loadrec.py", line 5, in <module>*
> *    datafile = cbook.get_sample_data('ch1.csv', asfileobj=False)*
> *  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook.py", line 662, in
> get_sample_data*
> *    return myserver.get_sample_data(fname, asfileobj=asfileobj)*
> *  File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook.py", line 620, in
> get_sample_data*
> *    raise KeyError(msg)*
> *KeyError: 'file ch1.csv not in cache; received HTTP Error 404: Not Found
> when trying to retrieve'*
> The data in my CSV file looks like this
> 0.9963
> 0
> 0.499
> 0.9901
> 0.0025
> 0
> 1
> 0.0017
> 1
> 0.0173
> 0.9837
> If anyone can understand the problem please give me your suggestions. I
> will be very thankful if any of you can show me exactly how to scatter plot
> this kind of data.
> *Karthikraja Velmurugan, *
> *Graduate research assistant, *
> *Dept of Biomedical Informatics, *
> *Arizona State University, *
> *248-421-7394*
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