I have some data with corresponding date value (Y-M-D) and having
hard time to understand how MPL works with dates.
I see it uses Python datetime, but I just can't figure how to make
plots when some date data is missing.
Considering above, is there some easy way to make, lets say, 2
The interactive plot has been done using the AntTweakBar library and is not
really user friendly. You can view the source from the demos directory:
Also, note that glumpy is not a replacement for matplotlib but rather a testbed
for a
A leading space is missing in the output of
mpl.text(1, 1, '% .3f' % 1.234)
if used within the TeX backend. Whereas it is not
missing in the plain non-TeX backend.
Here is an example:
import pylab as mpl
#mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
hi Nicolas,
looks very interesting.
I was considering to move from MatPlotLib to guiqwt,
because of it's easy interactive plots.
But I see glumpy has it too.
Can show the source code for the interactive plot in your examples ?
On 17-09-2011 19:22, Nicolas Rougier wrote:
Hi folk