I'm using matplotlib with pygtk in a threaded application. I've seen some
intermittent hangs, that I think arise from a gtk.gdk.threads_enter/leave
pair missing in matplotlib.
>From the gtk/pygtk documentation, gtk idle functions need to be protected
by these locks, but in lib/matplotlib/b
Please find attached the a bar chart picture. How is it possible to reduce
the space between the bars and xticks with the following code:
# prepare the bottom array
bottom = np.zeros(len(snp_types))
width = .2
# for each line in data
for row in range(len(data)):
I have problem to distinguish 10 colours generated with cm.hsv.
import matplotlib.cm as cm
for row in range(len(data)):
bt = plt.bar(range(len(data[row])), data[row], width=width,
color=cm.hsv(39*(row)), label=mutations_all[row],
Stupid mistake, My data array was wrong I had it just to rotate and now it
is working.
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Michal wrote:
> Thank you for the links, but I had trouble to get them running with
> Matplotlib 1.0.1. However, I downloaded the source code from the Matplotlib
> bo
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/pylab_examples/table_demo.html
> for stacked bars, then look at code magic.
> I'm new user to matplotlib also, and was looking for easy way to create
> stacked bars some time ago, but unfortunately it
I have found the following histogram example
which was created with the following gnuplot code:
and with this data set
I have Python in my home directory installed and when I tried to install
matplotlib in the following way:
x...@wp: ~/temp/matplotlib-1.0.0 $which python
x...@wp: ~/temp/matplotlib-1.0.0 $python setup.py build
basedirlist is: ['/usr/local', '/usr']