Hi, I'm trying to generate a barplot and subsequently dumping it to a
PNG file and making an HTML imagemap out of it. I've pasted my code

The problem is that the coordinates I need to supply for the imagemap
don't seem to be correct.

I'm getting the screen coordinates using:

coords = []
for rectangle in b:

    vertices = rectangle.get_verts()

    top_left = get_top_left(vertices)
    lower_right = get_lower_right(vertices)

    trans = rectangle.get_transform()
    top_left = trans.xy_tup(top_left)
    lower_right = trans.xy_tup(lower_right)

    coords.append( (top_left, lower_right) )

However when I use these coordinates as the top left and lower right
coordinates of each bar in the imagemap, they don't line up properly
with the regions of the bars. The top left coordinate is always a bit
below the top edge of the bar and shifted to the left.

[ In the code below I transform the screen coordinates from the plot to
the HTML coordinate system (0,0 is the top left) ]

The code below, when run, generates an HTML file called junk.html. If
you view it in a browser and look at the status line it will be apparent
that the 5th bar doesn't get any region assigned to it.

Any pointers to a solution would be much appreciated.



import random, sys
from pylab import *
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

def get_top_left(v):
    return v[1]

def get_lower_right(v):
    return v[3]
obs = [random.random() for x in range(0,5)]   
x = range(0,5)

imgwidth = None
imgheight = None

fig = Figure(figsize=(4,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1 )
b = ax.bar(x, obs)

canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
canvas.print_figure("junk.png", dpi=100)
imgwidth = fig.get_figwidth() * 100
imgheight = fig.get_figheight() * 100

# get coords for the bars of this plot
coords = []
for rectangle in b:

    vertices = rectangle.get_verts()

    top_left = get_top_left(vertices)
    lower_right = get_lower_right(vertices)

    trans = rectangle.get_transform()
    top_left = trans.xy_tup(top_left)
    lower_right = trans.xy_tup(lower_right)

    print top_left, " <-> ", lower_right

    coords.append( (top_left, lower_right) )

f = open('junk.html', 'w')
<img src="junk.png" ismap usemap='#points' width="%d" height="%d">
<map name="points"> """ % (imgwidth, imgheight))

cnt = 1
for tl, lr in coords:
    <area shape="rect" coords="%d,%d %d,%d" href="http://junk%d.com";, alt="Cell 
%d">\n""" % \
            (tl[0], imgheight-tl[1], lr[0], imgheight-lr[1], cnt, cnt))
    cnt += 1

Rajarshi Guha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Fingerprint: 0CCA 8EE2 2EEB 25E2 AB04 06F7 1BB9 E634 9B87 56EE
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