Hi everyone,

Quite recently I started out with learning Python, IPython, SciPy and
Matplotlib, to try see if I could replace some data analysis software
that was previously written in LabVIEW. Slowly I'm getting sort-of the
hang of it, but I've run into a few problems, and I'm now looking
around for some advice...

Main issue is Matplotlib's performance. I'm trying to plot a current
trace from a physics experiment, containing about 300,000 data points.
In LabVIEW, one can easily browse through a data set like this, but I
haven't been able yet to get such a good performance with
IPython+Matplotlib. Especially scrolling/panning through the data is
sluggish. (Anyone knows how to add a scrollbar for this instead of
panning with the mouse, btw?)

I know this is an extremely vague description of the problem, but
perhaps someone can give some general advice on improving performance?
I read something about data clipping, but this doesn't work in my
version of Matplotlib --- the Line2D object doesn't seem to have a
property "data_clippied" anymore.

Also, I read that someone had written an EEG display program (both in
the user's guide and on the examples page), which certainly looked
very good. So it must be possible... :)

In any case, some more details about my system: Windows XP SP2, 2.8
GHz dual core processor with 1 GB RAM; running Python 2.5.1, IPython
0.8.2, Matplotlib 0.90.1, NumPy 1.0.5, SciPy

Very much looking forward to a small discussion on the subject...
Thanks a lot in advance!

Best regards,

Onno Broekmans

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