On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Ghose, Kaushik <
kaushik_gh...@hms.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Regarding Greg´s post about how to organize plotting code for data. This is
> a common issue encountered regardless of who collected the data or how the
> data was generated. I´m an experimental neuro
A couple more thoughts on this:
> 4) Don't put clf() and cla() all over the place.
absolutely --
my addition to this is to use the OO API more than the pylab one. Put
all your plotting code into functions that take an axes object as a
parameter, then go from there. That way you have separated
Regarding Greg´s post about how to organize plotting code for data. This is a
common issue encountered regardless of who collected the data or how the data
was generated. I´m an experimental neuroscientist in that I collect the data
that I then analyze to test hypotheses and models. After s