On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:54 PM, George Washington <gws...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  I am new to Matplotlib  and am having some problems plotting the following
> set of coordinates (in python 2.6 and Win 7 32)
>  This is just a small sample of the data:
> Seq.No.            x-scale                  y-scale                 z-scale
> 01.000000    1579446.055280    5361974.495490    1342.967407
> 02.000000    1579446.646620    5361972.813700    1342.967407
> 03.000000    1579448.047050    5361968.830880    1341.237305
> 04.000000    1579450.992084    5361963.830880    1337.739502
> 05.000000    1579453.937117    5361958.830880    1336.262817
> ...
> ...
> with the following outcome:
> (plot3d.png)
> *Problem*: while the x-scale is ok and the z-scale looks ok, the y-scale
> is definitely not ok. The numbers in the image are *not* the ones in the
> y-array (I double checked.)


This is a known issue where very large axis values were being represented
using an "offset" (much like in 2-d plots with very large axis values).  The
problem was that the offset was not displayed for 3d plots.  This is
definitely fixed in the latest development branch, but I can't remember if I
fixed it in the 1.0.1 release (probably not).

> I also have a number of questons:
> *Question1*: how does one create a label for the z scale? (zlabel is not
> valid)

This should be fixed by the next release.  Most functions like set_xlim(),
set_ylabel() and such merely call that function for the appropriate axis
object.  If a particular function is missing, you can call it yourself doing
something like the following:


Note that if you have an earlier version of matplotlib, you might have to


> *Queston2*: Is it possible to fill below the line (so it looks like a
> mountain) and how

Never tried considered anything like that.  Might involve creating a 3D
patch object with some sort of path completion.  File a feature request on
the matplotlib tracker here:


> *Question3*: Is it possible to traverse sequentially all the points
> plotted in the image so as to make computations (such as distance to the
> next point, etc..).
>                    The points themselves come from a text file but are not
> in sequence. They are sequenced by being plotted in their right position in
> 3D space.
I am not exactly sure what you mean, but there is a nice data structure that
I use to do efficient data operations on spatial data called KDTrees, which
can be found in scipy:


I hope that is helpful.

Ben Root
What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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