[resend: apologies for the html mail].

I was trying to implement something where the user could change the
properties of an artist by right clicking on it...so I needed to find
out what artists are under the cursor at the time of the click.  It is
possible that the method that I'm using isn't the recommended one; if
not, I would appreciate any suggestions.

 I'm using fig.hitlist() to get the list of artists.  This function
works just fine with a regular xy plot, but if one (or both) of the
axes are in log scale, I get a NotImplementedError exception and
associated stack trace (run the attached demo code to see).  The
exception is being caused by line 249 in artists.py.

Now, if I modify artists.py slightly to swallow the exception, replacing

 for a in self.get_children():


  for a in self.get_children():

 Then everything seems to work.  However, being unfamiliar with the
code, I'm not sure what else that might break, or how bad of an idea
swallowing the exception is here.

 I have attached a small demo code.  The error occurs in matplotlib
1.0.0 and matplotlib 1.0.1, on both Linux and Windows.

Daniel Hyams

Attachment: hitlist_problem.py
Description: Binary data

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