Hello to everybody,

since I looked serveral days in vain to find a solution to my problem, I 
would like to ask you for help!

I want to plot at least three timeseries in one chart. Two timeseries 
are to be plotted as lines in a normal scale. The third timeseries (in 
my case these are precipitation-mesurements) are to be plotted as bars 
and - now the problem occurs... - this third timeseries should be scaled 
inversely from the top. In openoffice-Calc this function is called 
"reverse direction" at the scaling properties of the y-axis, even excel 
can handle that - so I am quite confident that matplotlib will do so, 
too. I just have no idea how...

Do you know how to scale an y-axis inversely (or 'reversly')?

Thank you for your help,

ps - here's my demo, perhaps it helps understanding...

import datetime, scipy
from pylab import *

# creating dates
date1 = datetime.date( 1982, 1, 1 )
date2 = datetime.date( 1982, 2, 1 )
date3 = datetime.date( 1982, 3, 1 )
date4 = datetime.date( 1982, 4, 1 )

dates = scipy.array([date1, date2, date3, date4])

# creating some dummy-data
f1 = [1,5,3,4]          # could be a simulated discharge
f2 = [2,5,4,5]          # could be an observed discharge
f3 = [45, 36, 53, 21]   # could be precipitation


# creating two x-axes in one plot
ax_q = axes()

# plotting 'discharges'
ax_q.plot(dates, f2, 'g-', dates, f1, 'b--')
# plotting 'precipitation'
ax_p.bar(date2num(dates), f3, width=5, bottom=0)

# doing some scaling on the x-axis
months = MonthLocator(range(1,13), bymonthday=1)
monthfmt = DateFormatter("%b '%y")

# scaling 'discharge' on the left and 'precipitation' on the right y-axis

# some other scaling ...
ax_q.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(5) )


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