
I am pleased to announce the release of pywcsgrid2 0.1b1.

pywcsgrid2 is a python module to be used with matplotlib for
displaying astronomical fits images. It provides a custom Axes class
(derived from mpl's original Axes class) suitable for displaying fits
images. Its main functionality is to draw ticks, ticklabels, and grids
in an appropriate sky coordinates.

For a sampling, take a look at the gallery


 * Provide a custom Matplotlib Axes class based on
mpl_toolkits.axisartist module

 * Easy integration with mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 module


 * matplotlib v1.0 (or later)
 * a wcs module (pywcs or Kapteyn)
 * pyfits.

Supported OS
 * Linux & OS X
 * pywcsgrid2 itself is a pure python module.


Home page : http://leejjoon.github.com/pywcsgrid2/

Overview doc. : http://leejjoon.github.com/pywcsgrid2/users/overview.html

Download : http://github.com/leejjoon/pywcsgrid2/downloads

github : http://github.com/leejjoon/pywcsgrid2

For questions, bug reports or feature suggestions, please use the
issue tracker in the github or contact me via email.



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