Hi MATPOWER Developers,

I need your feedback on a quick question.

I’m working on finalizing things for a beta release of what amounts to a nearly 
complete re-write of MATPOWER for version 8.0. More on that soon.

Since this new version defines tons of new classes, I thought it would be nice 
to put them all inside a package, probably named mp or matpower, to avoid 
namespace pollution. For those who don’t know, a package is simply a folder 
whose name begins with a ‘+’, like ‘+mp’. If that folder is in your path, any 
class inside it, such as myclass.m can be accessed as mp.myclass.

The issue is that, for Octave users, putting the new MATPOWER classes inside a 
package will require Octave 6.2.0 (released Feb 2021) or later, otherwise we 
could support Octave 5.2.0 (released Jan 2020) or later.

So the question for you MATPOWER/Octave users is …

What is your preference?
A. Require Octave 6.2.0 or later and put the new classes in its own package.  OR
B. Support Octave 5.2.0 and leave all of the new classes in the main namespace.

And a secondary question, for anyone who has an opinion, is …

Which is the better name for the package, should we choose to go that route?
C. mp - short and convenient to use  OR
D. matpower - longer, but better at avoiding name collisions

This is a major update with massive changes and my goal is to introduce a 
framework that will provide a solid foundation for MATPOWER development for 
years/decades to come.

Any feedback or comments are appreciated. Oh, and I’ll probably post this to 
the MATPOWER-L discussion group too, just to get a response from a larger 
audience if possible. So sorry for the duplicates for those on both lists.



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