> Dear Ray,
> I am trying to implement a code in matpower, that increases the reactive 
> power load by a factor and then see what happens to the voltage.
> I have written this code, however the value of y and q don’t seem to change 
> appropriately. will you be please able to let me know how i can implement 
> this?
> clear all
> close all
> define_constants;
> results = loadcase('case95');
> for i = 1:10
>     define_constants;
>   y = results.bus(5,[PD QD]);
>   results.bus(5,[PD QD]) = y + 0.2*y;
>   x = runpf(results);
> v(i) = x.bus(5,VM)
> q(i) = x.bus(5,QD)
> p(i) = x.bus(5,PD)
> end

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