Dear Carlos,
Thanks for your help! Your suggestions make the problem clear and make me see 
the light. I'll try your first way. Hope I can solve it.

Best wishes,

At 2020-01-04 12:20:07, "Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez" 
<> wrote:

Dear Yang:

If I understand correctly what you have in mind, then it seems to me that you 
have two choices:  1) approximate the exponential in a limited range with a 
higher order polynomial (which MATPOWER can easily handle), or 2) write matlab 
code to implement user-defined cost functions (i.e., exponential, including 
their gradients and hessians!).  If you are not adept at writing code at that 
level, I suggest that you go for option 1, and take into account the modeling 
error incurred by using a polynomial approximation.


Yang wrote:

Ray, thanks for your guidance. And for runopf_w_res()I have some problems. 
Actually, I read a paper, it divide the 30 buses into 3 areas, I don' know the 
basis, and how can I realize it in matpower, whether the areas are zones in 
The mannual is very well, but my coding is at a low level, so I can't absorb it 
quickly and easily.
In fact, what I want to do is about the following:
Part One, there are two types of objectives function: 
the first is 
It is like runopf_w_res(), and I want to divide it into 3 areas like the paper 
I read.
And the second is 
It adds the environment factor. And the Exponential term is key need to deal 
Part Two is I want to make the second objective function dynamic, like diving 
1h into 6 periods, each period is 10 minutes. If I finish Part One, I can do 
this by modifying the data, but how can I make it smarter.

Thanks for your patience and guidance.

Warm regards.

At 2020-01-03 01:36:43, "Ray Daniel Zimmerman" <> wrote:

Hi Yang,

It’s not clear whether you simply want to use the fixed reserves extension (see 
Section 7.6.1 in the MATPOWER User’s Manual) or you want to implement your own 
OPF extension. In the first case you can simply use runopf_w_res(). In the 
second, please see Chapter 7 and the code for the various extensions described 
in Section 7.6.


On Dec 25, 2019, at 8:11 PM, Yang <> wrote:

Dear sir,
I want to do the extensible OPF, and I read paper MATPOWER’s Extensible Optimal 
Power Flow Architecture.
The objective function is min f(x)+fu(x,z),and fu=sum(ci*ri), following the 
Ar = [I I];
om = add_vars(om, 'R', ng, [], Rmin, Rmax);
om = add_constraints(om, 'Pg_plus_R', Ar, [], Pmax, {'Pg', 'R'});
om = add_constraints(om, 'Rreq', Az, Rreq, [], {'R'});
om = add_costs(om, 'Rcost', struct('N',I,'Cw',Rcost), {'R'});

I add these into .m file, as for add_vars if I should change [], Rmin, Rmax 
into data I need, and do the same with other codes.
I don't know if it's right.
Best regards.




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