That sounds like a dispatchable load … see Section 6.4.2 in the User’s Manual.


On Sep 18, 2020, at 8:22 AM, Davide Maglione 
<<>> wrote:

Thank you for the answer,
i am working on a transmission network so i don’t think a dc network model is 
adequate. I have read few articles that uses OPF extensible structure to 
optimize storage size so i am leaning toward that.
Sorry i didn’t mean to ask you to show me how to use matpower to solve my 
problem, i thought my question was way more trivial. I am just struggling a bit 
with the User’s Manual.
Hope my question is not too specific:
Is there a way to assign a maximum demand for a load (in order to simulate the 
size of the storage), and then, after creating my cost function and 
constraints, solve the OPF to track the variable power absorbed by that 
Hope i was clear, just asking this to understand if i am following the right 
path or i have to walk in another direction to solve this.

Thank you again, best regards,

Davide Maglione

Da: Ray Daniel Zimmerman<>
Inviato: giovedì 10 settembre 2020 19:58
Oggetto: Re: Bus, Loads and Generators question

It sounds like you want to solve a problem that MATPOWER does not implement 
directly, so I’m afraid you’ll have to formulate the problem yourself and 
determine whether or not it fits  MATPOWER’s extensible OPF structure (see also 
FAQ #2<>).

In general, when introducing storage, you need to solve a multi-period problem 
that optimizes across multiple time steps simultaneously. If a DC network model 
is adequate, you might consider whether 
MOST<> would be able to solve 
your problem.


On Sep 10, 2020, at 11:00 AM, Davide Maglione 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Ray,
thank you for your support and your answers. I am new to power flows so i 
struggled a bit, but i managed to succesfully run a pf for a 4 month period in 
my network. Thank you for your help.

I want to add energy storage in my network, and, taking into account a surplus 
of power occasionally in the 4 month period, i would like to create a new 
objective function in order to minimize the cost of installation of the storage 
Is the Extended OPF feature the best way to do this? Should i think of the 
storage simply as an additional load on the bus and the occasional surplus of 
energy as an additional power from the generators?

Thank you for your help,

Best Regards,

Davide Maglione

Da: Ray Daniel Zimmerman<>
Inviato: venerdì 24 luglio 2020 16:10
Oggetto: Re: Bus, Loads and Generators question

It sounds like your P and Q are branch flow values, not nodal loads, so no they 
should not be used as loads in the bus matrix.


On Jul 23, 2020, at 12:42 PM, Davide Maglione 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Ray and thank you for your reply,
i will try to make my case more clear. I am studying a radial transmission 
network (150 kV). There are 3 branches directly connected to a station. I am 
thinking of using this station as a “sink” (a load for Matpower) that collects 
the power generated by the wind power plants in the network.

My final goal is to do an extended optimal power flow, using some custom 
constraints, to optimize size and location of energy storage in order to avoid 
wind curtailment by the transmission operator.

I have data of P, Q and I of branches, and V at the nodes (intersection of 
branch and power plant). Should i put those data (P,Q) in the 3rd and 4th 
column of the bus matrix data despite they are not load buses? Or should i do 
something different in my scenario?

I have put an image to semplify things.

Hope this time i have make it more clear, thank you again for your time,

Davide Maglione

Da: Ray Daniel Zimmerman<>
Inviato: venerdì 17 luglio 2020 22:40
Oggetto: Re: Bus, Loads and Generators question

It isn’t completely clear what data you have to create your case, but you 
definitely need both load and generation for the system to make any sense. 
Total generation is equal to total load plus losses, so you need both.

And dispatchable load refers to loads whose quantities are not fixed, but can 
vary depending on the price.


On Jul 16, 2020, at 10:06 AM, Davide Maglione 
<<>> wrote:


For my thesys work i am trying to recreate a trasmission network with high 
penetration of wind power. I have some doubts on how to consider my buses, 
because in my network there are no loads but only generators and i am 
considering the buses as the nodes of the system.

I have V,I and P datas of each n_i node, so can i put in the 3rd and 4th column 
of the bus matrix those flow data despite they are not load buses?

Finally, what do you mean with “dispatchable load”?

Thank you very much,
best regards.

Davide Maglione

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