Hi Scott,

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you are trying to do.

There aren’t any “hidden values”. It’s just that those columns are outputs of 
the simulation, so they aren’t present on input, but are added when you run a 
power flow or OPF. And if you are making comparisons on those values (flows and 
shadow prices), you’ll definitely want to be comparing solved cases, in which 
case they should be present. If you are simply looking at the values in the 
included case files, these are not always solved cases, so you’ll need to run a 
power flow or OPF first.

Hope this helps,


On Aug 23, 2022, at 10:31 AM, Scott seedell 
<scottseed...@hotmail.com<mailto:scottseed...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Thanks Ray,

Is there an easy way I can access the hidden values? What I'd like to be able 
to do is compare the affects on the branches for different sizes/locations of 

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 on behalf of Ray Daniel Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu<mailto:r...@cornell.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:00:10 PM
To: MATPOWER-L <matpowe...@list.cornell.edu<mailto:matpowe...@list.cornell.edu>>
Subject: Re: mpc.branch

Hi Scott,

The explanation is in the fine print … namely the 3rd footnote under Table B-3. 
Those extra columns are included in the output but are typically not included 
(or else they are ignored) on input.


On Aug 22, 2022, at 3:16 PM, Scott seedell 
<scottseed...@hotmail.com<mailto:scottseed...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

I’m trying to access parts of the branch data but not all sections appear in 
According to table B-3 in the manual, there should be 21 columns but I’m only 
seeing 13 in mpc.branch.
Anything I should be doing, or perhaps a different way to access this 

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