> From: Aidan Mark Humphreys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Another 2 simple questions (in case anyone feels like answering
> :).

No problem :-)

> This snippet is taken from the domify friend book example.
>       <views>
>               <view id="loginRequired" path="loginRequired.jsp">
>                       <transform path="trimOutside.jsp"/>
>               </view>
>       </views>
>       <command name="changePassword">
>                       <controller class="...ChangePassword"/>
>                       <view ref="loginRequired"/>
>                       <view name="success">
>                               <transform path="changePassword.xsl"/>
>                               <transform path="inside.xsl"/>
>                       </view>
>       </command>
> How should  one interpret the nameless view reference in  the
> command changePassword? Does it act like a "default" tag in a
> switch statement - ie if the controller returns a value not
> assoicated with a view name (anything but "success" in this
> case), use the referenced view?

The "ref" is a special case.  See the documentation for the config


If there is no name, it defaults to the value of ref.

If you only have a single view, you can leave off the name entirely and
that view will be rendered no matter what you return from the

> 2nd question - in this example ...
>               <command name="loginSubmit">
>                       <controller class="...LoginSubmit" />
>                       <view name="success" type="redirect"/>
>                       <view name="error" path="loginFailed.jsp">
>                               <transform path="trimOutside.jsp"/>
>                       </view>
>               </command>
> What is the target of the "success" redirect view? Redirect to
> where?

The redirect view can either look for a path in the static config
(missing in the above example) or it can take the destination from the
controller dynamically (through the model).  Take a look at the javadocs
for RedirectViewFactory:



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