Hi Jeff,

We are using <xsl:import> and <xsl:include> in our templates with the
getResource() mods without any problems.  Fortunately, it didn't require
writing any custom URI resolvers.

In the newTemplates() method of the Transformer factory instance we pass in
a StreamSource constructed from the URL input stream *and* the (optional)
second argument is the stringified URL.  It's this second arugment which
means (for us at least) that relative URIs in <xsl:import> and <xsl:include>
work OK :-

TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
info.templates = tFactory.newTemplates(new
StreamSource(conn.getInputStream(), url.toString()));

This was in the patch that I sent you against the 1.x code; is it possible
that you missed this mod when you updated the 2.x code?


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
> Sent: 29 January 2002 15:29
> Subject: [Mav-user] getResource() problems
> I just backed out the changes to XSLTransform.java which load XSL files
> with getResourceAsStream().  Basic XSLs work, but <xsl:import>,
> <xsl:include>, and document() become hideously broken.
> Basically, without setting a custom URIResolver which feeds back into
> the container getResourceAsStream(), the XSLT processor will try to
> resolve imports et al from tomcat/bin/ (or orion/).  How to make a
> custom URIResolver work with getResourceAsStream() is not immediately
> obvious.  If anyone would like to take a stab at it, I'll be happy to
> accept patches, but otherwise I'm going to move on to other tasks.  For
> the time being, I suggest configuring your container to expand warfiles.
> Jeff Schnitzer
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