Indigo Children: from The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life

By Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Indigo children, as they are now called by science, were first
traced back to the year 1984. This was the year when suddenly a child
appeared with very different human traits. As of 1999, science has
suggested that approximately 80 to 90 percent of all the children born
in the United States are Indigo children. I believe it probably will
rise to nearly 100 percent in the future. You and I are obviously being
phased out. These children are being born not only in the U.S., but also
in many other areas of the world that seem to be connected with the wide
use of computers.

Lee Carroll and Jan Tober have written a book called The Indigo
Children: The New Kids Have Arrived. It is a book of compiled scientific
studies, letters and notes written by medical doctors, psychologists and
scientists who have been studying these new children since they were
first discovered. It is the first book in the world, I believe, to
discuss these new children. I have been aware of these children for the
last ten years or more, and I have been discussing them with hundreds of
people and children's groups that have also noticed the change. Yet no
one officially recognized them until this book appeared. So I thank Lee
and Jan for this timely edition. Please read this book if you wish to
know more of the details.

Now, how are these children different? Science has not yet figured out
exactly what the specific DNA change is that has taken place in this new
race, but it is obvious that one has happened. First of all, these
children have a different liver than ours, which means there has to be a
DNA change. This liver change is, naturally, a response to the new foods
we are eating. The new liver is designed to eat, of all things, junk

Sound funny? Why? We would all become increasingly unhealthy or even die
if we continued to eat these kinds of foods on a long-term basis. What
happens to cockroaches when you feed them poison? At first they get sick
and die, but then they mutate, change their DNA and end up loving our
poisons. We have to keep changing our poisons because they keep adapting
to them. Do you think that human beings are any different? We continue
to feed our kids poisonous junk food, so they have to adapt to survive.

But this liver change is nothing compared to the other revisions in
human nature and genetics. First of all, these Indigo children are
brilliant. They have an IQ that averages around 130, and I do mean
average, as many of these kids are way up in the genius range of 160 or
higher. A 130 IQ is not a genius, but it used to be that only one person
in 10,000 had it. Now it is becoming normal. The intelligence of the
human race has just jumped into a new range.

Doctors and psychologists studying these children have found that the
computer seems to be an extension of these kids' brains. They are far
more able to function within the parameters of computer software than
anyone ever before. Where this will lead we can only speculate.

What I find fascinating about these brilliant new kids is that our
teachers and the educational system found them defective when judging
this new human race. In the beginning our educational system didn't
realize they were so intelligent. They have actually thought they were

They diagnosed them with attention deficit disorder (ADD) because they
thought they could not stay focused. The problem is now becoming clear.
It is not the children; it is the educational system itself that is not
prepared to educate these gifted children. The children are simply bored
with the speed and nature of the delivery and the content of the
information. We need to adapt to this exciting new race of children.
Give an Indigo child who has been tagged as ADD or ADHD something to
study that he or she is interested in, and you will see the brilliance
unfold before your eyes. There is so much we need to learn in order to
allow the great potential of these kids to come to light.

It is clear to people studying these children that they also have very
heightened psychic abilities. They can literally read their parents'
minds. They know what you are thinking. These and other differences you
can read about in The Indigo Children have led researchers to realize
that a new way of raising these children is mandatory. If you have had a
child or are raising a child born after 1984, you need to read this

Who the Indigo children are, of course, is in great debate. Many
psychics are saying that they are coming from the indigo ray, a very
high level of consciousness not of this Earth. I also feel this is true,
for when I first met the angels in 1971 they began talking about these
new children that would come in the future and change the world. They
told me many details about them that are coming true at this time.

Also, many psychics I have discussed this subject with feel that there
are actually two different cosmic sources for these children. One is the
indigo ray and the other is the deep-blue ray, similar but different.
Wherever they come from, it definitely is a diversion from the normal
human evolutionary track.   Sumber:
<>    Artikel
lainnya ttg Indigo Children:
    * Spiritual Parenting, summary of lecture at the Oneness Festival by
Lee <>
    * Spiritual Parenting: Childrens Psychic Abilities and Sense
Perception by Athene Raefiel
    * Spiritual Parenting: New Childrens Living Intelligence by Soleira
Green <>
    * Spiritual Parenting: Srishti, the Art of Spiritual Parenting
    * Indigo Children: A parents view by Debra Hegerle
    * Indigo Children: Ana and the Bird - Integration of Spirit by The
Group <>
    * Indigo Children: Children of the New Dawn by Kiara Windrider
    * Indigo Children: Indigo Spirit for a cosmic Awakening by Marti
Mueller <>
    * Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived! by The SPECTRUM
Newspaper <>
    * Indigo Children: The new kids by Lee Carroll
    * Indigo Children: Wawes of New Children by Qala and the Archangels
    * Indigo Children: What's an Indigo Child?? by Wendy H. Chapman 

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