On 2013–08–05 Marco wrote:

> When deleting a directory tree mc displays the following message:
>   Delete directory "<directory>"?
>   [Yes] [No]
> I hit “Yes”, then another message pops up:
>   Directory not empty.
>   Delete it recursively?
>   [Yes] [No] [All] [None] [Abort]
> I hit “All” since I want to delete the entire tree. This is very
> cumbersome. Is is possible to suppress both messages entirely or at
> least suppress the second message?
> Is it possible to suppress the deletion window displaying the
> deleted files list with the [Skip] [Abort] buttons as well? Since
> the deletion/copy/move processes often take several minutes, mc
> becomes totally unusable until those operations are finished. The
> only way to continue working is to open up a second mc instance.
> I couldn't find anything relevant in the manual.

So apparently there is no way of suppressing those messages?


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