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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 14:53:06 +0200
From: Alfons Muhackl
To: Pavel Tsekov
Subject: Re: Using Ctrl-T to tag files again

Pavel Tsekov schrieb:
> Hello,
> On Mon, 14 Aug 2006, Alfons Muhackl wrote:
>> is it possible to get ctrl-T back to tagging files again?
>> (if so, how? :-) )
>> i have searched the net but no avail.
>> Also, searching the archive for ctrl-t does not jield anything.
> Just tried a recent CVS build of MC and Ctrl+T works as
> expected. Which version of MC are you using ? On which OS ?
> The output of "mc -V" might also help tracking down your
> problem.
Thanks for your help, but this issue is gone with a new version of
mc in Debian SID. Probably it was the fault of the mc maitainer,
as this new update also installed two new files in /etc.

I apologise for the rant on the mc mailing list, but i did not find
a debian bug report, so i thought it was a general change of mc.

mfg AM

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