Hi guys!

Could you please have a look? mc / autoindent on enter is on. Is
this a bug or not?
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

-------- Forwarded Message --------
When pasting a text preceded by spaces, mcedit puts extra spaces/tabs before
each line. It is very inconvenient and I have used vi or nano when I need paste
a extra text.

An example. Original text:

text test 1
text test 2
text test 3
 text test 4
 text test 5
 text test 6
text test 7
text test 8
text test 9

"Pasted" text into mcedit (between -x-x-x-):

text test 1
text test 2
text test 3
 text test 4
  text test 5
   text test 6
   text test 7 
   text test 8 
   text test 9 

Please, also note the spaces added in the last four lines.


Eriberto - Brazil

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