On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 07:00 -0400, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Hello,
>     Thanks for offering to become the new maintainer for Midnight
> Commander.   I do not want you to become the "Project Manager" for a
> number of reasons:
>       * In open source, maintainers are chosen by their merits, before
>         today I have never heard of you.    It is a meritocracy, you
>         have shown none so far.
>       * In open source, I have never seen a "project manager", this is
>         an invention of the standard software industry.  There is no 
>         "project manager" for Linux, Samba, x-Windows.
>       * Maintainers are people with deep understanding of the codebase
>         and the language the code is written in, so they can make
>         decisions as to what is best for the project on technical 
>         grounds.
>       * You exhibit the behavior of many people who have no ideas
>         whatsoever about the project but like big titles.  "Public
>         Relations Coordinator", "the leadership", and "Project
>         Manager".
>       * MC should not be part of the "Krusader family", it is 
>         an independent project, not part of a suite.
>       * I dislike people who misspell: "Krusader" and "Krew".
>       * Tell the "Leadership" that thanks, but no thanks.
>    As I stated previously, if we have problems in Midnight Commander, I
> will step in as its maintainer or suggest someone actively involved (or
> which has been actively involved in the past) to do so.
> Miguel.

Thanks allot for taking the time to still lookout for MC.  I couldn't
agree more with most of your points, especially after reading the
numerous personal attacks and threats made towards you being spammed to
the list.  At this point I can't imagine how anyone in their right mind
would even consider this offer, let alone continue the dialog.  

Thanks again,
Gentoo Linux    http://www.gentoo.org/~bcowan

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