It seems that the problem comes from the way ncurses move() works. If I
understand it correctly, if move range is outside (0..screen width) /
(0..screen height) it moves to the previous/next column/line. When I changed
terminal size to 80x20, I got some really silly results when I've gone
up and d
A surprise: dialogbox issue is NOT patch related, it comes from original
mc code.
In src/dialog.c in draw_box(Dlg_head *h, int y, int x, int ys, int xs)
lies the problem. If slang is used a box is drawn, otherwise code is
used that in most cases works correctly. It fails, however if box drawn
is bi
First, I appologize: I missed the post stating that editor is not
working. I decided to check slang, too.
New issue:
a strange crash (screen type independant)
I searched for 'enable-charset' in mc sources. Several results were
found. I chose one and pressed F3. mc ran out of memory and was killed
I decided to give those patches a try and they mostly work.
As it's the first (known to me) release that should work with ncursesw I
tested only that (cause fc slang patches work for me after a simple
correction - they have a problem with double-width chars).
Following issues were found: