Found the problem - your list wants small posts.  I will break up the response to your questions so it will get past your list limits.


Part 1 of 3

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fudoki Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Date: Jun 4, 2005 3:22 PM
Subject: Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??
To: MC Devel List <>

Greetings Leonard!

   Just received this morning's digest.  Thanks for your note.  Answers to your questions below:

Message: 6
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 17:03:22 +0200
From: Leonard den Ottolander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Maintainer for MC Project??
To: MC Devel <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello Terry,

On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 15:05, Fudoki Wilkinson wrote:
>> I have also been talking to our
>> leadership, and to Pavel Roskin, about offering to
>> become the new Maintainer of the Midnight Commander
>> Project, and Pavel has encouraged me to do so.

>>    Would the developers of MC like to have a
>> conversation about joining the Krusader family, as
>> your own unit, so you can do your work in a
>> supportive, positive, environment with good resources
>> and good leadership?

>How do you see this task of maintainership?

One way to put it would be: "[A maintainer] oversees the
project development, formulate[s] sensible milestone targets and
communicate[s] with the Developers[, Docs Team, Web Support
Team, Marketing Team, and Project Leadership, as appropriate]
about these targets and if they are [not] being met [to recommend,
and if necessary take, appropriate steps to either readjust the targets
or eliminate the cause of the failure to timely meet the targets],
and [successfully complete regular] release[s as appropriate due to
Developer progress, technological demands, or User demands or needs]."

Part 1 of 3       --------------------------------- END

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