Probably I've found a problem in MC or/and gpm daemon.

When you kill MC under linux via Alt-SysRQ-K
while MC is making ftp connection,
or more strictly speaking,
when MC is trying to make ftp connection -
gpm daemon is crashed.
So you are forced to restart gpm.
(The demand to kill MC appears VERY OFTEN:
when ftp server is down or bacause of network problems -
the connection is HANGING and there is no way to
interrupt the connection
except killing MC.)

When you kill MC via Alt-SysRQ-K
when MC _IS NOT_ busy - everything is OK -
gpm stays alive.

PS: May be it is not the problem of MC itself -
may be it's a bug in gpm. But I have no power
to found the actual guilty.


Regards, Walery
Mc-devel mailing list

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