Hello All: 

I have a technology survey I'd like you to respond to if you
can. Originally, I was collecting the data for the MW2006 conference which 
has come and gone, and now I have a few days left to compile data for my 
Action Research Project at Pepperdine University.

I sent this out in February, but that's when the listserv went down, and I 
only got 19 respondents (to whom I thank you very much!) It will take 
about 15-20 minutes to complete the entire survey, less if you don't 
bother with the details. Thank you so much for helping me do this, and 
completing it by Monday, 3 July by 5PM, EST.

To participate, go to:

Do You Have Any Interesting Stories About Your Museum's Dance with
Technology That You'd Like to Share With the Larger Community?


The survey results are available here:


Thanks for all of your help!


Cynthia R. Copeland
Director, The American Revolution New Media Project
The New-York Historical Society
2 West 77th Street
New York, NY  10024
212.485.9218 (direct)  212.873.3400 ext. 218 (main)
212.877.1817 (fax)
e-mail:  ccopel...@nyhistory.org
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