A quick reminder that registration for ARCS Photo Synthesis: What You Need 
to Know About Photographs closes March 10, 2016 or you will miss the 
opportunity to learn from and meet Katrina Dumas from the Avedon 
Foundation, Gawain Weaver, photo conservator, Jared Bark, frame designer, 
Debby Lepp  Associate Registrar, Getty Museum, Nathan Kerr, Digital 
Resources at the Oakland Museum.  

For more information: 


Are you a consultant, a contract registrar, or a freelance collection 
manager?  Participating in OnContract can be beneficial in securing a 
project job for you.

Anyone, whether an ARCS member or not, seeking a contractor in the field 
may search our database without charge.  This feature is similar to “find 
an appraiser” or “find a conservator” on the respective websites of those 

ARCS is about to send out our first general announcement on all our social 
media resources (FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, RC-AAM listserv, Museum-L, 
MCN-L, etc.) letting the broader field know that OnContract at ARCSinfo.org 
is an available resource.

If you would like to be listed (for a nominal annual fee) click the 
OnContract button on the top menu bar at ARCSinfo.org or if you have yet to 
renew your membership the 2016 calendar year, click the Membership Renewal 
button at the top right of your home page after you sign in.

You must upload a copy of your resume in PDF format in order to participate 
in this service.* 

If you have trouble signing up for OnContract, please let us know by email 
at arcs4...@gmail.com, using the subject line OnContract. If the directions 
aren’t clear, please let us know that, too.

*A resume is required because ARCS does not have an accreditation process 
for individuals who choose to offer their services.  The resume or CV 
provides the potential employer a means by which to match experience and 
qualifications with job requirements. 

-ARCS Board of Directors
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