Dear all,

The CFP for CIDOC 2021 in Tallinn is 1 April (next week)

The conference is planned in hybrid format to allow remote participation.

Here the info:

*Put forward your ideas for a presentation*

This year’s CIDOC conference seeks commonalities between museum
documentation and technology. To do this we have selected three themes:

   - Planning and implementing strategies;
   - The future of documentation;
   - A wonderland of digital technology.

These are deliberately broad to accommodate sessions with a variety of
viewpoints and topics.

Technology has moved from being a challenge for a museum, to being an
enabler, to becoming an integral part of museum experience. Emerging
technologies allow and compel us to adopt new ways of working, but we do so
within the frame of traditional planning methods like strategies and
roadmaps. How can we best exploit both of these and reap the benefits of
their symbiosis?

*Planning and implementing strategies*

Strategic planning enables a museum to work towards the same goals and
makes progress easier to track. Every museum has strategic goals, but can
these be achieved if it only relies on chance funding and episodic
projects, or is a written long-term strategy mandatory? In order to achieve
your digital goals you also need effective workflows, new skills and

How to create and implement a digital strategy for a museum? Do we need to
define a green strategy for our museum or can we embed eco-friendly
thinking into our work without lofty statements?

One of the strategic topics much discussed at CIDOC conferences is
long-term digital preservation, but solutions are still very much in
progress and under development. Issues around digital preservation of
metadata or born-digital objects remain relevant for years to come.

The volume of museum data has grown beyond human processing capacity and
new solutions are required, looking at machine learning (ML) and artificial
intelligence (AI). Long-term preservation of physical objects is also
affected by technology and the *Internet of Things* (IoT).

Topics we would like to explore under this conference theme include:

   - The current pandemic as a catalyst for digital change;
   - Strategic planning process and digital strategy for a museum;
   - Museum development through partnerships;
   - Digital transformation in a museum and optimising workflows;
   - Re-inventing museums and its services;
   - Eco-friendly museum and green thinking;
   - Long-term digital preservation and digital solutions.

*The future of documentation*

CIDOC has always advocated for the use of standards and these will be
discussed at this conference, too. Documentation as an activity is changing
– new approaches like crowdsourcing or story-telling as examples of
event-based documentation are becoming more relevant. With vast amounts of
data online, connecting intangible heritage with tangible requires
re-evaluation of our methods of documentation.

Documentation should enable the reuse of digital data – are existing
documentation standards adequate and fit for this purpose? Provenance,
copyright and data protection are topics present in many current debates
and conferences across the world. Working with museum collections, we lack,
at present, the capacity and often digital solutions, especially for
assigning rights and licences in retrospective terms. How can we change
this? Could we employ machine learning tools for this? Topics we would like
to explore under this conference theme include:

   - Evolving data standards;
   - The museum without standards;
   - Standards for enabling reuse of data;
   - The role of users in shaping the future of documentation;
   - Story-telling as an event-based documentation;
   - Data provenance;
   - Copyright and documenting rights.

*A wonderland of digital technology*

Technology presents various opportunities but also raises obstacles. It
requires balancing traditions and innovation, and it requires capacity to
make right decisions and to realise them. What are the creative and
innovative means to support documentation? Should documentation be done
only by humans or should we start thinking about automation of
documentation with AI in some segments of this work? What potential does
artificial intelligence (AI) hold for our community? Especially now, with
large volumes of data accrued in museums, we need to find smart and ethical
ways to benefit from it, and probably redesign some of our well-used ways
of working.

Topics we would like to explore under this conference theme include:

   - Automation of documentation processes;
   - Balancing tradition and innovation;
   - AI as an opportunity;
   - Responsible and ethical use of AI and automation / robots;
   - Data analysis, big data and data mining solutions;
   - Adapting to new technologies in museums.

*Presentation formats*

   - *Full length paper* – 25 minutes plus question time.
   - *Short paper* – 10 minutes plus question time.
   - *Digital poster* or 3 minute video presentation.
   This format will be broadcasted digitally. We strongly encourage
   presenters to be creative in presenting their work, whether it is a video,
   poster or the two combined. All posters and videos will be uploaded on the
   conference website before the conference for all the participants to
   download or go through it.

More precise guidelines will follow after the approval of abstracts.

*How to submit a paper*

Abstracts should be submitted regardless of the format of the presentation.

Abstracts must be in an electronic format (preferably PDF), no longer than
250 words and formatted simply (preferably Times New Roman, 12pt, double

Language: Abstracts should be in English.

Documents should be sent to: EasyChair submission page
<>. NB!
EasyChair account is required to access the submission form.

*For any question or request, please send us an email to:*

On request we will provide certificates of attendance to the conference

*Important dates*

   - Deadline for abstract submission: 1 April 2021
   - Notification of acceptance: 16 May 2021
   - Submission of presentations, posters and videos: 20 August 2021

Trilce Navarrete

m: +31 (0)6 244 84998 | s: trilcen | t: @trilcenavarrete

*Video series: Museums in Context
*Latest book: Handbook of Cultural Economics, Third Edition
*Blog: Economists Talk Art <>*
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