Dear MCN Colleagues,

We need your help with  really important Kickstarter project. Museum-Ed has 
launched a project to digitize all 12 years of The Docent Educator, a 
publication designed for museum docents and the educators who work with them, 
with articles written by leaders in our field. This content is still timely, 
and if we don?t do the important work of digitizing The Docent Educator, all of 
that great content will be lost to our field for good. Let?s not let that 
happen. Here?s what you can do to help.

Even though you can make a contribution to the Kickstarter campaign (we?d love 
it if you did), what would really help is for you to get your library and 
docents involved. For a $250 contribution to the campaign, we?ll send you (your 
library or museum) a hard-bound volume of every page of the entire 12 years of 
The Docent Educator. What a great resource to add to your museum education 
library, whether it lives in your museum?s library, docent lounge or your 

We have three weeks left to raise just under $10,000, and if we don?t raise 
that amount, we get nothing. Learn more about the project at 
Together we can all make a difference in archiving the history of our field. 
Thanks in advance for your help, and please don?t hesitate to write to me if 
you have questions, etc.

Scott Sayre Ed.D.
Editor, Museum-Ed
scott at

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